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- 77 Results (72 Replies, 5 Comments)
- Sacred Cut replied Oct 30, 2016
Hi Kapital, Yes, I do scale my charts. I don't use MT4 for charting so I cant help you about how it is done. I dont think you can get anything out of JR either. The best way to learn from him is looking at his old posts which are mainly where he ...
Cycle Trading
- Sacred Cut replied Apr 8, 2016
You can definitely come up with strongest 3 numbers on any given day representing the high level of energy. In the U.S. there are games where you pick 3 numbers. I haven't tried, but it is certainly doable.
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Sacred Cut replied Apr 8, 2016
You can definitely come up with strongest 3 numbers on any given day representing the high level of energy. In the U.S. there are games where you pick 3 numbers. I haven't tried, but it is certainly doable.
Planetary Cycles Trading (EUR/USD)
- Sacred Cut replied Jan 18, 2016
Placement and scaling is everything, I agree. On a side note, I think market analyst 8 is an amazing piece of software.
Cycle Trading
- Sacred Cut replied Nov 11, 2015
The AUD forecast is pretty impressive!! Do you use iqfeed?
Cycle Trading
- Sacred Cut replied Nov 9, 2015
good call. gold is oversold. I was going to buy some. Aud and gold are somehow correlated
Cycle Trading
- Sacred Cut replied Sep 30, 2015
I would say cycles, math related to waves, time, geometry, music, astronomy and math
A jump to the beginning - chaos and market forces
- Sacred Cut replied Feb 6, 2015
the horizontal scale is related with the vertical one if you know how to relate them!
Sine Wave and Channel Reflection, Action/Reaction putting it all together
- Sacred Cut commented Dec 16, 2014
he has the worst possible name to live in a city like new york
High school student scores $72 million playing stock market