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- vsektodobre replied Nov 28, 2007
so no chance of any live calls, then?
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Nov 28, 2007
this system rulez! — Peter, of course it was a good long signal - 4 hours later we can see it was a successful trade! If it had been a losing trade? Well, we were below the Daily Pivot, the price was consolidating, blah blah, and the trade ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Nov 11, 2007
wow...that is quite a difference.
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- vsektodobre replied Nov 11, 2007
oanda showing 230.660 now....nice gap!
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- vsektodobre replied Nov 11, 2007
it's being caused by a fall in usd/jpy as opposed to gbp/usd, which in fact is rising a little bit.
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- vsektodobre replied Nov 11, 2007
oanda has started moving down....price is at 230.925 already 30 pip spreads though.... Edit: back to 20 pips spread
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- vsektodobre replied Nov 9, 2007
m2b thanks a lot for a clear explanation of how to use momentum. well done to you!
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- vsektodobre replied Nov 1, 2007
Sorry, I want to leave this thread, but i just can't. Imran, the more I listen to your nonsense, the more you offend me. "trends keep changing"...yeah, and you have been unsuccessfully trying to predict the change in this trend for at least 500 pips ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 31, 2007
If your short bias is based on the indicators, and the price moves 500 pips up in two days, then maybe your indicators have a problem. As does your definition of „choppy“. The only time the price was choppy was the period yesterday afternoon when ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 31, 2007
James, sorry, but I need to disagree with most of this. The system hasn't been tweaked, it has been increased in size by about 500%. The ASC Trend indicator that seems so crucial to your profitability was only added at the weekend. What were you ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 30, 2007
I have been following this system live since the start of this week on the gbp/jpy 5 minute chart. Honestly, my win rate is under 50%, although I am in profit, as the trades that are taken in the direction of the hourly trend have given much bigger ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 28, 2007
could it be the security settings on your guy's PC's? When I click on the link it automatically starts skype...maybe your browser thinks it is opening a virus...? which browser are you using? Firefox? Internet Explorer?
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 28, 2007
it's working good for me, I think....
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Saitperhaps you can write something on the text to test whether we can see it? thanks
- vsektodobre replied Oct 27, 2007
Servus Ivo I will be using MT4 as a charting software to get my signals, but placing my trades using oanda as my broker. The prices will sometimes be a little different, but not by too much. Oanda charting also does not have Laguerre indicators, as ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 26, 2007
I actually click the buy button about 20 seconds before the end of the 14:05 bar, when there was a great chance of it finishing up, so I got in with an entry of 234.45, with a SL of 234.20. I am with oanda. From oanda prices, if I had waited for a ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 26, 2007
hello tmchan yes, I actually did take the trade at the end of 14.05, as the 1st lag was pointing up, although the stoch hadn't crossed over at that stage yet. Clearly, if I had waited for the stochs to cross over, then I would have given up some 25 ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 26, 2007
yes, zeno, the long entry did occur after a bounce of the daily pivot, so that just made the entry all the better for me....but I am a newbie with this system, so if Imran disagrees with me, please ignore everything that I say...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 26, 2007
Long on GBP/JPY 5 minute at 08:10 EST? — Hello all, this is my first post here. Nice thread! Imran is an unbelievably patient guy. Anyway, I believe I may have just spotted a long entry on the GBP/JPY 5 minute. It occurred at 08:10 EST. Please ...
Simple Method of Scalping any pair on 5 min chart , specially GBP/JPY - by Imran Sait
- vsektodobre replied Oct 21, 2007
just a question...why should gaps necessarily close?
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)