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- chips replied Sep 17, 2012
let`s talk DD — my positions are allowed to go in DD...knowing that price will return.. its a fact... It`s also a fact that you can profit and grow your account while in DD. it also a fact that you can profit in ranging market...MOST LOOSE ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Sep 17, 2012
Very impressive keep doing what you are doing... I post whenever I feel like Ì don`t want the commitment of answering individual emails. there is no wrong or right way to trade..if you are making money... keep doing it I`m not looking for glory by ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Sep 11, 2012
I Feel the need to share - — All that i have seen and learn,,,I have taken from here.. no two traders will report the same style and same profit I have demoed and pay the price...feel the rush and but I have not taken any course I was lucky to ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Sep 11, 2012
Pitbull With position building takes time- — THIS should shed some light on the IDEA of Pitbull with position the aim of why we say DEMO >>DEMO >>and think ...DD control. LOSS PROFIT LOSS> DEMO BUILDS confidence and gives you an idea of what ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 24, 2012
Sure that ok..but dont rush to open too many postions what you profit col...try tolerate the dd..practice watchig the market.. control emotions and trade small lots....to stay in the game cheers
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 24, 2012
C, Thanks for the question, my thought is always controlling DD that is my main focus.. So I hedge based on my analysis or what if senario...eg. if my position is in DD...X pips...what if the market trend against my postion t..how much more can i ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 20, 2012
C, You are correct on most terms...using well-know points to time you entry is key, but new pitbull traders should practice DD first...get use to taking profit and implement balancing DD. Because trading is controlling DD..the market is not going ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 18, 2012
I think I understand what is goin on in your mind. Adjusting your postions by buying if its a up day of selling if it's a down day using appropriate postions. Not buying and selling everyday also good strategy. The princpiles of the pitbull is ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 17, 2012
no need the baby sit the postions because you take trades when you are at the computer during momentum times...the indicator shows you you take profit when it's due...must be greater that the spread. the max postions is all relative..you know when ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 17, 2012
Timing and Grid — Using the 4h chart...and common points..HH and LL. One can use limit orders at these points to take advantage of swings. I use the square indicator of the last 48 bars...to identify the HH and LL like Brijon showed. it ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 17, 2012
Thanks C Honestly theres noting magical about it...is just knowing that forces in the market place will act against each other and with proper timing you react ...always watching the DD. using the numbers...and dont b greedy.
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Apr 16, 2012
Coner stone of the Forex — This is just my take...and if you DEMO controlling DD. you will realize that the forex is an up down market..it must cycle....there is no if or but..it's the basis of BUY And Sell. So how do we trade it....Well DEMO ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Mar 30, 2012
have not fear- — I hope ppl are controlling DD...and trading the forex and writing off bad goods as the market progresses... and taking profits when they are due...Dont rush and more postions than what is needed.... Buy if its up and sell on ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Mar 16, 2012
No no...we, at least I hedge to freeze the loss..this is just controlling the DD.... nothing more... Then you can then add more trade in the +ve direction or Trade the fastest moving pair fromthe basket... Because whatif the fastest moving pair is ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Mar 5, 2012
There is no hoping here.... hedging i very important..in DD control prices move in swings...so eventually price will swing back to the loosing position....So if you take profit....on the hedge... the loss will continue to float....up ..down... ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Mar 5, 2012
Foundamental elements when trading the Pitbull — Ask yourself, would I use a business line of credit to invest and grow my business...how long will it take pay off the line of credit..is it feasible to do so, when you are planning to be in ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Mar 5, 2012
notice the movement ofthe market over the pastfew weeks...if you had sell positions in dd, you would be printing money....growing the bal ....controlling dd...the market would then return.....to cycle the loss...but you would be printing ...along ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Feb 28, 2012
Yes for the square indicator, change the number of bars value to 48, the default is 3.
Pitbull Trader with Position Building
- chips replied Feb 28, 2012
ans — i hope you could help me more on the question below since im quite blur on it and still undergo and study this pitbull strategy. im bit dumb, but i hope hard work will florish it out. Thanks.
Pitbull Trader with Position BuildingChips, can you elaborate the DD ...
- chips replied Feb 27, 2012
I have been saying the only proper guide is you ...and your determination to DEMO and THINK... You all have the base method...BUT ONLY DEMO will reveal the true nature of the market...It builds confidence...knowing that you have a postion in DD and ...
Pitbull Trader with Position Building