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- 124 Results (108 Replies, 16 Comments)
- ToeCutter commented Jun 22, 2023
Brilliant, thank you!! Wonderful work.
FF Blog: Introducing Calendar Live Data
- ToeCutter replied Apr 17, 2014
Yep, look for retest - they happen often and provide good opportunity. Just gotta be patient...
How do you buy support?
- ToeCutter replied Feb 25, 2014
Yen weakness still fighting shorts. Looking for some strength there for confirmation. [EDIT]: My TF is 5mins, just for perspective...
- ToeCutter replied Feb 25, 2014
Yeah, short here too. Looking at 140.30 ish (weekly Piv), but watching like a hawk right now. Tentative. Just rejected Daily Piv (support) again... Watching....
- ToeCutter commented Feb 12, 2014
Darn, there goes *that* plan. I woke this morning with every good intention of being a billionaire, but it all sounds too hard...
25 Billionaires Who Are Using Their Money To Help The World
- ToeCutter commented Oct 13, 2013
Tend to agree, vis-a-vis a *viable* alternative reserve currency.
USD: What If US Defaults? - Nordea
- ToeCutter replied Oct 3, 2013
Cancel all pendings. Sell 0.09 at market. Take a deep breath and figure out how you can "gain in equity" by at least following *some* kind of price/trend based method. My god man, what are you doing here?
How to recover equity from heavy losses?
- ToeCutter replied Jul 29, 2013
Just askin' here... Not trying to disparage your methods. But, do you think that a method based solely on the H TF, and only on 1 pair (I note you quite emphatically exclude other TF's and Pairs) is viable in the longer term? I have always ...
TDI and Stochastic strategy
- ToeCutter replied Mar 17, 2013
Absolutely correct - confidence. If it were about $$ and cents, we'd all be able to punch some numbers into excel and there'd be no "market". Think "the straw that broke the camel's back".
- ToeCutter replied Mar 17, 2013
Several years ago, I went through a period where I swore that if I got a mate to take opposing positions to mine - exact same entry price but opposing direction and double the lot sizing - that we' both retire happy.
My Trading Epiphany
- ToeCutter replied Mar 4, 2013
Oh spare me, please... I'm sure if you offered the code here, that there would be many here who could give you a much better insight into the program and it's working than what you seem to have about it. Unless you do, this whole discussion is mere ...
My EA is making 500 pips a day, is it a fluke? or am i missing something
- ToeCutter commented Feb 25, 2013
Thank God somebody said it.
The End Game For The Euro Rally Is Here
- ToeCutter replied Feb 24, 2013
You really don't understand S & R. Support (demand) and Resistance (supply) levels are not "calculated" by a formula - they develop in-market.. What constitutes reliable SR levels is a whole 'nother topic, but suffice it to say, if you cannot wrap ...
Can you honestly earn a good living or even get rich through forex?
- ToeCutter replied Jan 30, 2013
To winlots, I have read only the first page, so forgive me if I'm repeating anything here. Tell me, how much better would you feel if - after you had grown your account from $1k to $5k - you had withdrawn your original stake? Yes, you may have lost ...
Crazy day and lost it all
- ToeCutter replied Jan 8, 2013
Zelenko, The answer is right in front of you. If you can make this kind of return, then you never need to sell a thing. Starting with just $100, you could have your $500,000 in under two years, and the big bad money man at the big bad institution ...
If you have a powerful strategy how can you sell it ??
- ToeCutter commented Nov 21, 2012
Agree ^^ Look for the trapped traders. They'll be acting irrationally. Imagine yourself in their shoes and you can gain from their desperation.
The Most Popular Entry Strategy in Forex Trading
- ToeCutter replied Oct 21, 2012
Your initial stop loss should be at a point where if it is touched, that initial trade idea is invalidated. TP's can be executed in a myriad of ways, and I won't enter that discussion, however as a general rule I find it useful to think - when green ...
What is the best way to exit a trade?
- ToeCutter replied Oct 11, 2012
You're good, I'll give you that. Don't want to nitpick, but folks like Hanselfx above are being genuinely upset by this, and that's disgraceful. For mine, nothing that you've said changes how I feel about all of this, and I've got far better things ...
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