- Search Forex Factory
- grimReaper replied Jun 28, 2015
I wasn't disputing that... But that's not relevant because we model the RNG as random, i.e. it's random for our purposes
Forex Dream Chasers - The 90% rule of randomness
- grimReaper replied Jun 27, 2015
We model the RNG as random. Or were you trying to suggest that there exists support/resistance in transistors? Also, there's a lot of confusion about "randomness" in the thread. Random doesn't mean 50% up/down. It could be 60% down and 40% up. In ...
Forex Dream Chasers - The 90% rule of randomness
- grimReaper replied Jul 6, 2012
Since when? Who they clear their equities through now? Yes, but what are the implications to FX traders if PNSN goes down? Let me put this way, how much safer do you feel putting money on Alapri US Pro or IB?
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- grimReaper replied Jul 5, 2012
Is MB still clearing through PNSN, a penny stock? According to this article,
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- grimReaper replied Jan 16, 2012
When I say random, I don't mean a 50-50 chance of going up or down. In fact, in the charts of the OP, it's Brownian drift, i.e Brownian motion with a slight upward bias. We can assign probabilities to where price can end up and it's not 50-50. The ...
TA-Charting on Brownian Motion
- grimReaper replied Jan 16, 2012
Can you explain why I should look for these patterns in random data? Not necessarily. I'm saying/implying one reason to believe price is not random is b/c s/r and trendlines, but lo and behold this "organization" plus other charting patterns can ...
TA-Charting on Brownian Motion
- grimReaper replied Jan 16, 2012
I day trade index futures using S/R as I've described, and am happy with that approach, but that doesn't mean I can't be skeptical about it. Just because we perceive something as orderly, doesn't mean it can't be random. What question? In the model, ...
TA-Charting on Brownian Motion
- grimReaper replied Jan 15, 2012
You can't predict randomness, that's a paradox. You can only assign probabilities. But you make an interesting point that financial institutions may be using the same models which share similar assumptions. Here's an interesting candlestick chart. ...
TA-Charting on Brownian Motion
- grimReaper replied Jan 12, 2012
Sorry for the very late response. I didn't see interest in this thread so didn't check back. How do you mean? This is not possible. By construction*, the data is independent and not autocorrelated (data point x is not correlated in anyway with ...
TA-Charting on Brownian Motion
- grimReaper replied Dec 6, 2011
This is a poor latitudinal study. If you want your answer, you need a longitudinal study. There are numerous reasons why there are ton of traders in the 1-5 and 6-10 range that bias your study, e.g more accessibility
Myth Buster: 90-95% of traders cannot survive in trading
- grimReaper replied Dec 1, 2011
You're probably much better off going with an ECN broker (news trading or not). Or futures if you're trading bigger sizes
Wanted: Broker that supports & allows news trading
- grimReaper replied Nov 30, 2011
Very interested myself. If it's a dealing desk broker, most likely not. There are threads here where dealing desk brokers have reversed profits. If an ECN broker, then I don't see why they wouldn't honor it. After all, you're supposedly trading with ...
What would happen to our trades in the event of a Euro collapse?
- grimReaper replied Nov 19, 2011
Thanks for this heads up. I use to play poker on Full Tilt, and if I've learned anything from there, it's that you don't trust anything but your own instincts - FTPDoug also once responded by stating funds were segregated and safe. They lied and ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- grimReaper replied Nov 9, 2011
yes, a couple of times in sept. if you get that message without any reference to your place in line, then I believe support is closed.
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- grimReaper commented Oct 10, 2011
+infinity, I actually thought that guy had something going until he said that.
Occupy Wall Street protests: What do the one percent think?
- TA-Charting on Brownian MotionStarted Oct 6, 2011|Trading Discussion|15 replies
Below are reasons to suggest that trading using a TA-charting strategy may be just as good as ...
- grimReaper replied Oct 3, 2011
ECN being a "mini" exchange, where banks and MB's clients trade with each other. So if we're in fact trading with banks, I'm wondering is why volume so low relative to the futures contract? I understand futures are traded on one exchange, whereas ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction