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- A. Collins replied Jul 13, 2021
Hello Tiago. Swap Master is a multi terminal system and uses two units. The smaller unit provides you with the information you are looking for. Below you can see a screenshot from a Swissquote terminal a client sent me today. image He called you ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jun 30, 2021
Yes. You can pay with PayPal, Skrill and CC.
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jun 28, 2021
There is a difference between real complaints about brokers (they can be found on official websites and should not be ignores) and complaints from pijama traders who blame the broker because they are not willing to be responsible for their own ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jun 28, 2021
1) C2S is a credit card processing company. Just like 2checkout, PaySimple, Chronopay or AutorizeNet. Because the user does not know what is a cc processing company, it does not mean that the processing company is a scam. 2) The user sent me two ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jun 21, 2021
Hello mnamarian. a) Because forum messages are not a suitable medium to request refunds. Mainly because people conversate on message boards using nick names. b) I check the forum daily but not the private message inbox. I saw your message today and ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jun 17, 2021
More good news. image Higher interest rates.....higher swap rates.....more opportunities.
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jun 16, 2021
Yes, returns of 10% are possible.
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jun 9, 2021
Excellent news for swap trading.
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Tradingimage (snipped from marketwatch)
- A. Collins replied May 30, 2021
I am right now in the process of doing my weekend research and thought I share some actual examples. To avoid the typical questions from naysayers, I included information about regulation of used brokers. The portfolios use one instrument and two ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied May 28, 2021
Hello Tiago. 74$ / day is the highest paying combination. It uses a highly volatile instrument and requires a skilled and experienced swap trader to manage. This are not results you can expect when you just start out. It is just not realistic and ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied May 27, 2021
I am not a fan of swap free accounts. Those brokers who offer swap free accounts often hide the swap costs or re lable them. Paying less swap on one side of the trade and receive more on the other side works best. At least for me. I really don't ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Mar 15, 2021
Hello Martin. Thank you for your reply. Super simple and conservative portfolios like eurusd long on broker a and short on broker b are at the moment good for 4%. Other combinations are good for up to 9%. I hope this helps. Alexander
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Mar 3, 2021
Hello Martin. I see that your main concern is how much you can make. While this is understandable to some degree, this is not how swap trading works (and any kind of trading). 1) Knowledge (Edge) 2) Capital 3) Gains In this order and only in this ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Feb 25, 2021
Hello Martin. Sorry for the late reply. I missed your post somehow. If one uses higher leverage and willing to reposition the funds more often can monthly return % increase? If so by how much? Yes. By doing so you can double your returns. I hope ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jan 11, 2021
Hello Rob. Is there any problems or any risk involved using a swap free account for the main account? If there is what is the biggest problem? I know traders who use swap free accounts with success but personally I do not recommend it because there ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Jan 6, 2021
As all positions are hedged against each other, there is no directional trading risk. That means you wont loose money because of picking the wrong side of the market and as swap trading is incredibly boring (same profit every day at the same time), ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Dec 29, 2020
Hello Rob9121. You are not limited to one pair. Many combinations are possible and some of the best performing portfolios are based on four or more instruments. However, my tip for new users is to start with a simple portfolio (one instrument). Best ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Dec 24, 2020
Hello matches. That depends a lot from the broker choice. Just long on broker A and short on broker B is not working. If you have two specific brokers with a positive difference in mind you can look up the exact rates and then calculate how much ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading
- A. Collins replied Dec 23, 2020
It also depends what instruments you want to trade. If you want to trade as example only EURUSD and want to use only tier 1 regulated brokers, you can expect the following gains. image Assuming that interest rates will change during the next 36 ...
Swap Master - Market Neutral Arbitrage Trading