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- 19 Results (1 Threads, 18 Replies)
- FPMarkets – The leading Australian Broker with ASIC regulationStarted Sep 30, 2017|Recycle Bin|0 replies
When we talk about what type of broker is required, it is common that Australian brokers are ...
- BonyAmin replied Sep 29, 2017
Thank you guys for helping. I will try it out this week and hope Oceanicbliss can become my long term solution not just temporary, as I have been trying so many brokers with no success, so just hope it’s not just with bonus but even if I make my own ...
Transparency now guaranteed – Only with Oceanic Bliss!
- BonyAmin replied Sep 29, 2017
Sorry to interrupt guys, but which bonus are you guys talking about? I find no such thing and today is off day, so can’t get any proper connection to customer service to get details. Can you please tell me where you found this offer by ...
Transparency now guaranteed – Only with Oceanic Bliss!
- BonyAmin replied Sep 14, 2017
We should because in order to make bigger profits, it is absolutely must that we learn to enjoy all techniques, if we keep our margin less or if we put restrictions on which technique we use then we will face a lot of issues. So, this is why it is ...
Do you enjoy all techniques?
- BonyAmin replied Sep 14, 2017
I will say it clearly that knowledge and experience are the capitals that we require in order to succeed. If we want to be successful then we need to have it. I have always focused on that part only and due to OctaFX broker, I have really found it ...
Do you need capital to start trading?
- BonyAmin replied Sep 14, 2017
Everyone got to think about their own strength and make sure to work according to that. If we try to track with works for others then we will struggle. So, we simply have to follow that we are comfortable with instead of worrying about others. I too ...
Best way to promote trading strategies
- BonyAmin replied Sep 13, 2017
We need to take it as any other business and make sure to be disciplined. When you are disciplined in your approach then everything else is meant to become a lot easier. I am not an expert, but I find it a lot easier simply with a very wise ...
Trading Binary Options
- BonyAmin replied Sep 4, 2017
This is the question that I have asked myself so many times. When I started, I had $100 and I thought that if I had $1000, I will be very much safe. However, when I got to $1000, I felt that maybe $5000 will be great for consistent earning and also ...
How much money do you need to safely trade forex
- BonyAmin replied Sep 3, 2017
I believe that we must trade through every way instead of just one part. If we only go with one part then we will not really gain much. But, if we keep our options open and do trading according to the situation then we give our self better chance at ...
Day trading Vs Longer term holding FX
- BonyAmin replied Sep 2, 2017
This is the greatest thing about Forex; it is easy for anyone to start off their career here. But, it is obvious that a lot of hard work is required to be put in. If we are hardworking enough then we will easily go far. But, if we are not ...
Can anyone become a trader?
- BonyAmin replied Aug 15, 2017
Already over 10 pages, so I think the answer has been given already! It is not necessary that the person who is good at guiding is good at doing it as well. The simplest example is sports, as you see many coaches becoming greats yet were ordinary or ...
"good traders trade, bad traders teach"
- BonyAmin replied Aug 15, 2017
I too wanted same thing and I tried searching a lot, but was unable to find specific guidance like one available with Baby Pips for Forex. However, one thing that needs to be understood is that once you truly learn Forex than everything else is ...
Baby pips style academy for other financial markets?
- BonyAmin replied Aug 15, 2017
Frankly speaking, I am not sure what you meant. But, to level what I understood, I believe you meant about Currency pairs being more stable with moving up and down without reason. If yes then I believe it’s because there are more picker for it than ...
Why are currencies more random than other instruments?
- BonyAmin replied Aug 11, 2017
Well, I play it very much simple way and that’s to start with analyzing on the situation and what’s to come in shape of major events. Once I am sure of what to come then I can play accordingly and even decide whether it’s safe to trade or not. So, ...
What does your normal trading day look like?
- BonyAmin replied Aug 10, 2017
I don’t get into simple or difficult trading style, I only prefer to go with one that is comfortable for me and I believe that’s what we all need. I always work with very simple approach and so far, it has helped me gain fairly well and has allowed ...
Simple and profitable trading style
- BonyAmin replied Aug 10, 2017
It’s hard to know without actually facing such situation. I believe that we should better use broker that covers this and offers protection on negative balance which keeps one very secure and comfortable and adds easiness to things. I feel at ease ...
Negative account balance recovery process
- BonyAmin replied Aug 8, 2017
I am not an expert, so I don't know how these things can happen. In fact, I don't have all that much experience either, so that's why i will not say that it's fair for me to really say much about it. I feel it's best to do research and this is ideal ...
Do you believe brokers hunt your stoploss
- BonyAmin replied Aug 8, 2017
I don’t know what other feels or know, but for me. I feel that trend is my friend as if I am not following the trend then I will have obvious issues and problems. So, we need to trust following trend, as that’s the only thing we can really depend ...
The trend is not your friend...
- BonyAmin replied Aug 8, 2017
I will say it’s just like any other indicator; it’s down to us using it. if we are using it properly and if we are using it in sensible way then we will be able to gain. So, we need to practice with indicator we want to use in real, as that is the ...
How reliable are moving averages?
- Posts by Trader Search: 'BonyAmin'