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- 5 Results
- seleana replied Jul 3, 2005
Hi Jim, I have been following your wonderful chart posts! How are you positioned now with Eur/Usd at 1.9000? Do you think it will break down to the important 1.7000 level you pointed out? Thanks for the lessons
james16 Chart Thread
- seleana replied May 20, 2005
Hi Quinn! What are the requirements to be in the group? Will there be a page where everybody in the group would post a profile so we know who is working together? That would be a totally neat way to get to know one another
Lets try something new CUT OFF DATESeleana
- seleana replied Apr 14, 2005
Thank you for the link traderone! Very neat website!
For those of you who trade pivot points
- seleana replied Mar 22, 2005
FX Solutions, because they deposit your money on the same day they receive your check (no holding period).
Who do you use to trade the forex?? 1 Reason Why??
- seleana replied Aug 9, 2004
jambotrader, Did you have "inside" information on the employment figures? If so, would you mind sharing with me next time a report comes out
US Job Number Trading
- Posts by Trader Search: 'seleana'