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- lucashammer replied Oct 27, 2009
I will be back in the game soon. Between getting what was probably H1N1, proposing to my girlfriend, trying to plan a wedding, and work, I have not had much time to trade spot or binaries. This is the first time I've been on the forum in a while.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- Lucas's Daily Charts JournalStarted Sep 14, 2009|Trading Journals|0 replies
So, after trading Binary options for a while, and then getting too busy at my day job to watch ...
- lucashammer replied Sep 8, 2009
So everyone knows, I'm still here and trading binaries (if I get a chance). Due to work, I have no way to watch the prices throughout the day, and since these are all pretty much intraday trades, I haven't been able to trade for the last week. I ...
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Sep 2, 2009
Well, another day is going and I'm trying to decide if I should trade before the FOMC minutes today. It has been a wild enough week that I could see a big jump with about an hour to go today... Can't decide. Anyone else have an opinion on that one?
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Sep 1, 2009
Oh wow, sorry to hear about your trades. The problem with any buy orders today is that the price shot straight through any supports that were along there.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Sep 1, 2009
Well, my sell of EUR/USD > 1.4360 is good. By about 160 pips... Huge drop. Good for me, but it's making me pretty nervous about the volatility here.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Sep 1, 2009
I guess, it's a range, but still. I don't remember the last time I've seen this many 60+ pip hours.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Sep 1, 2009
Yeah, that's my problem. Work has become busier and busier which makes it trickier for my to find time to make my trades. Found myself making trades I probably shouldn't a couple of times. Luckily, my analysis has been correct more often than not. ...
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Sep 1, 2009
Adventurous is how I've lost a lot of money.
Binary Forex Trading JournalI was nervous there for a few minutes, but it dropped after hitting 1.4342, so I'm feeling a little better about my call there.
- lucashammer replied Sep 1, 2009
I have been picking them based on support/resistance and nothing else but trying to predict the price action. For example, for today, I see a daily resistance point of 1.4340, so I took a sell of EUR/USD > 1.4360. Now that hasn't always helped, but ...
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 31, 2009
Well, 100 pips in the green and it seems to be ranging now, so I should be good on that trade. Still playing catch up but playing it a little better than I was before. Am I wrong or is NFP this Friday?
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 31, 2009
I definitely am. I think I saw where I was going wrong before as far as the S/R lines, but I'd still like to make sure.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 31, 2009
Got into a buy of EUR/USD > 1.4240 right before the spike this morning. Going for another 5% on my account.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 28, 2009
Got out of my trade when it went 12 pips below my strike point. Grabbed some food, came back and it was back above... EDIT: Well, I broke two major trading rules today after I got out of that trade. First, I traded angry. Second, I jumped into a ...
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 28, 2009
Sorry to hear about your losses. I've been there also. I'm currenty in a trade of EUR/USD > 1.4340. It's a little riskier than I normally go, but I'm looking for a 13% increase today to get me back on track from my losses. Here goes nothing. EDIT: ...
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 27, 2009
I have seen that before too in very large jumps like that. As soon as they don't have bid and offer prices anymore they close the trading for that contract. Sorry to hear about your trade. I know exactly how you feel though. Happened to be before.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 27, 2009
Alright. 5% increase on the account today. Still making up for losses but almost back in the green.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 27, 2009
Still holding on to my support at 1.4210, took a buy of EUR/USD > 1.4200. EDIT: Also, here's the trend I've been following on it.
Binary Forex Trading Journal
- lucashammer replied Aug 26, 2009
Looks like you're going to be good on this one. I see it ranging at least for another hour after the cliff it fell off of. I managed to pull together my S/R for what appears to be a correct analysis, so I'm good on mine. Decided to take the safer ...
Binary Forex Trading Journal