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- 11 Results (1 Threads, 10 Replies)
- Hayek replied Oct 6, 2004
OK, I understand. Yes, it is a crucial matter to get news as fast as big guys. I am now using Saxo Bank's demo which has streaming news from AFX, DJN and MNI. It is faster than FXCM's IFR Squawk Box. In my opinion, big guys are not clever than us, ...
Broker's Feed Manipulation???
- Hayek replied Oct 5, 2004
Thank you, jambotrader. If I didn't get wrong information, Hotspot only has three kinds of orders, they are stop loss order, take profit order and OCO. So, can I place a bid above the 'offer price' or place an offer below the 'bid price'? I think I ...
Broker's Feed Manipulation???
- Hayek replied Oct 4, 2004
Yes. I know you trade news by spread bet. Do you trade spread bet in IG? I have not deeply investigated IG's website, but I suppose IG only accepts orders by phone instead of providing on-line trading platform to their clients. Is it possible to ...
Broker's Feed Manipulation???
- Hayek replied Oct 3, 2004
So, jambotrader, do you have real trading experience with Hotspot? I once had a 'view account' provided by Hotspot (no money in it but has live feed instead of delaying feed in their demo platform). I saw the quotes got crazy and the spread may be ...
Broker's Feed Manipulation???
- Hayek replied Oct 3, 2004
Anybody consider Hotspot Fx or Coesfx? They have ECNs and do not trade against their clients. At least two 'big' dealers trading in either of their platforms. They do not promise to give 'best price', but under such mechanism (2 dealers compete to ...
Broker's Feed Manipulation???
- Hayek replied Sep 9, 2004
They have done that for a long time. But for Initial Claims, I don't think it is a significant economic number. Few people trade it. FXCM must be too hysteric.
FXCM - No Entry Orders before the...
- Hayek replied Aug 27, 2004
Waiting for your further information in your way to Saxo Bank's daily options. Please post here if you get any.
Currency Options
- Anyone trade in HotSpot or CoesFx?Started Aug 25, 2004|Broker Discussion|1 reply
Since fx dealers have all given up stop-guarantee policy, I am considering transfer to HotSpot ...
- Hayek replied Aug 18, 2004
They may not stop you from straddling, but they beat your confidence on this strategy. Next time maybe they won't refund you as you wish and you will make a huge loss. Are you sure you can get your money back if they refuse to? You have to consider ...
Broker Price Manipulation?
- Hayek replied Aug 16, 2004
how much is the price of your options? — Hi, jambotrader. I do wonder the price of your options and how many hours before the news announcement you normally buy your options. I am now considering to transfer my news trading in spot to options ...
US Job Number Trading
- Posts by Trader Search: 'Hayek'