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- 11 Results
- vneufeld replied Jan 12, 2006
This (as well as a painful personal experience) is why I'm leery of selling naked options. You'd think people who had been around a while and who gain your trust would know better! Actually I here Fiji Trader saying "YOU should know better..."
Fooled by randomness
- vneufeld replied Jan 12, 2006
Lord knows monetary policy discussion policy makes my eyes glaze over despite my best intentions. However, I'll toss this in, since I just came across this after seeing Steve Forbes in a brief interview. His view is that the interest rate hikes are ...
Central Banks Watch
- vneufeld replied Jan 4, 2006
So...are those in order of importance? Thanks for the title, but I'm not sure I have any more time than you do...I have snowflakes to count, make sure stars are where they belong...anything to put off writing a trading plan.
The Magical Bell Curve of Standard Distribution
- vneufeld replied Jan 2, 2006
I think Mr. Whipple makes an excellent suggestion....stops can be set based on volatility to include a large portion of the price movement at the moment. This does seems like a practical application. I understand that the movement of Bollinger bands ...
The Magical Bell Curve of Standard Distribution
- vneufeld replied Jan 2, 2006
curious — Thanks for your comment, Davespink, I am curious. Would you mention a few of the other types of distribution? Do you think any have a meaningful (beyond inspirational) use in the financial markets? Although I am questioning Gaussian ...
The Magical Bell Curve of Standard Distribution
- vneufeld replied Jan 2, 2006
I stumbled across this thread. This idea of applying Gaussian (is that the right term?) statistical analysis to trading makes sense. However, one of the assumptions of this type of statistics is that the population observed is "normally ...
The Magical Bell Curve of Standard Distribution
- vneufeld replied Jan 2, 2006
Isn't there an organization called Futures T***** (I think I'm not allowed to name products, businesses?) that trackes system performance? Dont they list a "top 10" that have been profitable over a decade or so? I have noticed, however, that this ...
Trading Systems
- vneufeld replied Jan 1, 2006
Perhaps you have discussed this elsewhere, but I wonder if you could provide any more detail about the nature of the work you did to empower yourself?
Reading......and reading.......
- vneufeld replied Dec 29, 2005
question — Thanks James; Not sure what you mean by "staggered" and "stacked." Any other notable differences between futures and forex worth noting?
My Journal Of Beginning Again.
- vneufeld replied Dec 29, 2005
Great questions — Thank you MattLorig for posting questions I have been struggling to formulate. I think the responses are thoughtful and useful if a bit daunting. Yet, if this was easy, why isn't everyone making a fortune? I view all this as ...
a few questions from an interested trader
- vneufeld replied Dec 29, 2005
Gold — Thanks for pointing out "gold", James 16. I'm a novice trader. I read something recently, however, that caught my attention. It was a comment that it was common for openings in a market to be at the daily high or low. I don't know if ...
My Journal Of Beginning Again.
- Posts by Trader Search: 'vneufeld'