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- 84 Results (2 Threads, 82 Replies)
- friday13 replied Jul 14, 2021
I want to thank you so much for this indicator. I've been looking for the correct URL to download from for a long time. I think this keeps changing every once in a while because irresponsible coders let users download the file from the server too ...
MT4 News Calendar Indicator
- friday13 replied Jan 25, 2021
I am sorry, this tool is not meant to used for direct trading on the offline chart. I suggest separating the two functions. If you want to trade on the Renko chart, create an EA, or have one created for you, then put it on the offline Renko chart to ...
Renko Block Charts
- friday13 replied Jan 13, 2021
Hi @sangmane, This DDE solution does not work anymore, and I don't know why. The DDE init fails at some point, probably at: DdeConnect(idInst, iService, iSheet, 0); I just don't know how to solve it. Can you assist?
Export to Excel in Real Time
- friday13 replied Nov 26, 2019
Thanks Richard, Actually what you talk about is only testing stage and forward testing stage, but you never go live, so how come you recommend so many recommendations to so many people here? I've been trading live with Blessing for the past 2 years ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Nov 25, 2019
Dear Richard, The only reason one would need an extensive period of data samples is simply for statistical reasons. Surely you learnt statistics and you know that a good sample, and one which can be properly analyzed, should include at least 300 ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Nov 12, 2019
Guys, I keep seeing recommendations to use broker's data, and I must protest, you may contradict me, and you may also verify what I say here. If you rely on your broker's data, at least make sure it is accurate and without holes. If you backtest ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Sep 11, 2019
Hi, 1. What is the purpose of these screenshots? 2. Could you send the original report?
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Aug 29, 2019
As an addition to what I previously posted, here is a summary of my set file running on one symbol - AUDNZD, 2 charts - 1 for buy 1 for sell. In 15 months average of 0.74% per month, better than my backtesting which showed 0.64% per month. image
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Aug 29, 2019
Please read through the whole thread, you will see that I have. Also see my previous message about finding all attachments relevant to this thread. Another thing as this question arises once in a while - I recommend greatly to read all of this ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Aug 29, 2019
Please click on the paperclip icon on the top of the thread to see the attachments page and take recent .set files posted by me or @stiffe.
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Aug 27, 2019
It depends greatly on what your inputs are. Sift through this thread and get a recommended .set file to test on, do not use the EA's default settings.
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Aug 27, 2019
Hi, I would suggest a better approach towards data because downloading broker data has proven to be faulty, and there are YouTube videos on that issue too
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and SetfilesYou can see in the raw data, if you analyze it, that it has many "holes", and so the MT4 ...
- friday13 replied Aug 26, 2019
Very Very Nice!! Thank you for sharing. I have one comment - if you get less than 300-400 trades in your sample period in one direction, I would suggest to increase sampling period, because a small number of trades does not supply you enough ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Aug 26, 2019
You are welcome to think it is discontinued. I really suggest to read ALL the posts in this thread from the end to the beginning, so re-occurring questions will not-occur again. In order to see the latest build and set files, click on the small ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Jul 24, 2019
I was not offended, I wrote logical sentences and not out of emotional state. Regarding the image you posted - Basically, if the problem is variable-related, you might want to post the inputs that you put or the set file which caused the bug. Here ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Jul 23, 2019
The error that you posted here did not come from Blessing 3 v3.9.6.10 which was posted here by fxtrue. I know this because on line 2727, as your error message indicates, my version had the line: if (UseSmartGrid) Which is not array-related. Please ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Jul 23, 2019
Please use code comparison softwares such as Beyond Compare or online tool for file comparison. They will help you greatly understand the difference between your version and build 10
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Jul 23, 2019
Besides quoting the help section, what is your issue? Local arrays are not dynamic, they are the same as local variables and their memory is release when the program ends. I think you should open new thread regarding coding capabilities, for they ...
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Jul 20, 2019
You should simply download build 10, which was published here also, and compare the versions. Build 10 already did what you are doing now.
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles
- friday13 replied Jul 16, 2019
Hi, basically you can go to the top of this page and click on the small paperclip on the right hand side, to see all attachments on this thread. One of them is the settings pdf file. Try it. Anyway, here is also the post's link: url
Most Famous Blessing 3.9.6 EA and Setfiles