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- 400 Results (209 Replies, 191 Comments)
- JimDandy commented Jul 7, 2021
This seems to be nothing more than an attempt to get you to subscribe to livemint.com If you go to read the full story you can not. You have to subscribe in order to read it starting with a 15 day "trial" ... this is called bait and switch.. shame ...
Behind OPEC deadlock, one petro-state looks to non-oil future
- JimDandy commented Mar 4, 2021
Is this headline suppose to be "powder" instead of "power"?
Saudi Oil Min: OPEC+ Must 'Keep Power Dry'
- JimDandy commented Oct 18, 2020
Solid gold information for a change.
Lessons From the Best Trader of All Time: Jim Simons
- JimDandy commented Oct 18, 2020
Headline says Covid-19 cases yet article says coronavirus cases. You do know that there IS a BIG difference the virus and the disease don't you? Coronavirus is a virus... Corona virus Disease of 2019 (covid-19) is a disease. A door knob can test ...
Italy daily COVID-19 cases hit record high as govt eyes new measures
- JimDandy commented Oct 1, 2020
Again.... there is no such thing as testing positive for covid-19. You can test positive for carrying Sars-Cov2 virus in your respiratory tract... the virus that may lead to symptoms of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (covid19) to develop. Covid-19 is a ...
Trump says he and first lady Melania Trump are being tested for the virus
- JimDandy replied Sep 4, 2020
Essentially hedging... as you have described it... does nothing more than generate revenue for the brokers. It is no longer allowed in the U.S. When you enter both a buy and a sell you have essentially NO net position in the market. It is not until ...
Just learned about hedging, does anyone use it for scalping?
- JimDandy replied Apr 27, 2020
I think beerruns code will help you a lot. Using the Bars on the chart as a way to tell when a new one has come in is not any good. If you simply scroll back in history and load more data that will change the bars on the chart. Using the change of ...
iTime Issues
- JimDandy replied Sep 18, 2019
Write now Metaquotes has bigger problems. url
MetaQuotes "This is the last MT4 upgrade"
- JimDandy replied Sep 18, 2019
Well at least they gave us a little info about what they changed. In the past you were on your own to figure out what they did. New MetaTrader 4 Platform build 1210 The MetaTrader 4 platform update will be released on Friday, September 6, 2019. The ...
MetaQuotes "This is the last MT4 upgrade"
- JimDandy commented Jul 31, 2019
If you play in the street you will get run over. You won't know from which direction but, you will get hurt. Don't play in the street.
Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement
- JimDandy commented May 6, 2019
This problem is bigger than any man. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Jeremiah 10:23
The US has been losing, for many years, 600-800 Billion Dollars a year on Trade. With China we...
- JimDandy replied Mar 7, 2019
I'm in the U.S. I have to use a U.S. broker.. which one is offering mt5?... none that I've found.
The MT5 hate
- JimDandy replied Jan 8, 2019
Capital City Markets Live and Demo servers are not available so far in 2019. Also the client area of their site is unavailable it seems. When asked why their server was offline i received this response. Good Day Unfortunately we are experiencing a ...
Capital City Markets - problems?
- JimDandy commented Dec 29, 2018
You see this because your have All News selected for this block. You can filter this out in your forex factory settings.. Click the header of the block to select what you are interested in seeing.
Miley Cyrus wore $9K Vivienne Westwood dress for wedding to Liam Hemsworth
- JimDandy commented Dec 26, 2018
Should read.. "Pensioner wins $1m ONE day after his wife beats cancer.".. It's called bait and switch guys..
Pensioner wins $1m a day after his wife beats cancer
- JimDandy commented Dec 11, 2018
where does that 6 million go? Who gets the 6 million? Does anyone know?
Three Broker-Dealers to Pay More Than $6 Million in Penalties for Providing Deficient Blue...
- JimDandy commented Nov 29, 2018
Following the Desk briefings, the Chairman noted the upward trend in the EFFR relative to the IOER rate over the intermeeting period and suggested that it might be appropriate to implement another technical adjustment in the IOER rate relative to ...
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
- JimDandy commented Sep 9, 2018
Does anyone does proofread any more?
Is The US Job Market Finally Overheating? The Answer In 40 Charts
- JimDandy commented Jul 25, 2018
Here is the question. Who gets that 25%. Where does that money go? Yes the final purchaser has it tacked on to his price to reimburse the car manufacturer.. so the purchasers money is going through the purchaser ultimately to whom? Who really is ...
Trump pushes 25 percent auto tariff as top advisers scramble to stop him