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- JeremyWS commented Mar 11, 2014
read the title of the graph on ZH article...
The Holy Grail Of Trading Has Been Found: HFT Firm Reveals 1 Losing Trading Day In 1238 Days...
- JeremyWS commented Mar 11, 2014
its ZH... still doesn't take away from the fact they barely made a loss... And they do run risk so...
The Holy Grail Of Trading Has Been Found: HFT Firm Reveals 1 Losing Trading Day In 1238 Days...
- JeremyWS commented Mar 11, 2014
market makers still take on inventory risk.
The Holy Grail Of Trading Has Been Found: HFT Firm Reveals 1 Losing Trading Day In 1238 Days...
- JeremyWS commented Mar 10, 2014
Dude. Never go full retard! A member at a exchange is a company. I.e. he worked for a founding company. It's just in a professional environment companies are called clearing members.
There’s the stops in cable
- JeremyWS commented Jan 21, 2014
zoom your chart out a little, WSJ. EONIA spreads are nothign yet. perspective is needed here.
What Is Going on in Euro Money Markets?
- JeremyWS commented Dec 27, 2013
well seeing as the Lira was down 3%, and its all the market talk at the moment, I think its fair.
The Turkish Lira Is Getting Destroyed
- JeremyWS commented Dec 11, 2013
Tapering =/= tightening. That is why.
If QE Tapering Is Coming, Why Are Yields, the US Dollar Index Not Ripping Higher?
- JeremyWS commented Oct 13, 2013
Summation of this, If US defaults -> Buy EURMXN on liquidity flows between safe and EM
USD: What If US Defaults? - Nordea
- JeremyWS commented Oct 3, 2013
below 5% in 2014? that would imply given current market trajectory a 200 bps premium over the US, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? I mean fair enough Japonica have made a decent trade, up some 300% in a year on GGB's but 5% is ridiculous
Greek bonds: Europe's hidden gem?
- JeremyWS commented May 15, 2013
Dumbest Question I've Ever heard, The Fed/Treasury is the Housing Market At the moment....
Will ending Fed stimulus hurt housing?
- JeremyWS commented Oct 31, 2012
Here's hoping that the China data this evening will break this out.
NZD/USD About to Break from Recent Congestion
- JeremyWS commented Aug 19, 2012
Well we know the graudian is to trust.
Is the BBC too negative about the economy?
- JeremyWS commented Jul 26, 2012
How does this company get to exist, who in their right mind would trust their money with a russian broker like broco or any other. If traders lose money through this I will feel no remorse, stupid people get what they deserve.
Broco officially blows up
- JeremyWS commented Jul 11, 2012
I think the "value" refers to producers taking something and making it more valuble. There is only VAT on refined and produced goods from manufacturing so if you take a tree and cut it into a table you have added value to the wood and so there is ...
Rajoy says Spain VAT to rise to 21% vs 18%
- JeremyWS commented May 14, 2012
How do you know it is the low?
Barclays Adds To Its 3 Weeks Old Short EUR/GBP Position
- JeremyWS commented May 6, 2012
Well some argue that Hollande has been priced in on friday so no movement, but I guess we will see.
Socialists celebrate as French vote nears close
- JeremyWS commented Apr 24, 2012
Potential to see push back to 77.50's on risk off, but can't see lower as BoJ will just intervene
Time Again To Trade The Collapse Of The Yen