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- ianj1 replied Feb 7, 2013
This post is part b** - it was based on my looking at a thread posting nearly a year old and hence it out of "context" sorry
My Own Broker Arbitrage
- ianj1 replied Feb 7, 2013
I have been waiting to see if this has produced any decent results before looking at it more closely myself - yours and my approach is comparable - i am just not sure the retail arb opportunities exist and whether any income from it is ...
My Own Broker Arbitrage
- ianj1 replied Nov 6, 2012
I agree - Even with a level2 GUI you can't really tell visually - as the quote are mirages - they can disappear as quickly as they appear - even as an ECN. You really need to see live execution differences. I only mention Armada have deeper ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Nov 6, 2012
I have also noticed that Armada have recently (a month or so maybe) started to apply additional spread on many pairs - EUR/USD is identical to LMAX (more or less), GBP/USD, AUD/USD is very similar but the spread has a higher floor on Armada (versus ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Oct 2, 2012
Just a quick vote - i operate 7 or 8 live accounts, 2 with pepper (1 razor, 1 standard) including Armada, LMAX, etc and must say i have never had similar problems with Pepper. The only problem i have seen historically is slow execution on the ...
Pepperstone Forex
- ianj1 replied Sep 27, 2012
I ended up with something that works - like you i took it from an existing script that did not work (or at least it did not seem to work) as intended The underlying chart manipulation mechanism does seem to work though (it posts windows messages to ...
MT4 navigational tips and techniques
- ianj1 replied Aug 30, 2012
Many thanks for the comprehensive reply - but unfortunately it missed the main point of the question: Is there any way navigate to a specific data/time on a chart - either through EA or script I know i can use the fast navigation bar but i wanted to ...
MT4 navigational tips and techniques
- ianj1 replied Aug 30, 2012
Sorry if this has been answered before - i cant find anything. Is there any way navigate to a specific data/time on a chart - either through EA or script I know i can use the fast navigation bar but i wanted to do it from a script/ea that takes its ...
MT4 navigational tips and techniques
- ianj1 replied Aug 29, 2012
So do you want to 1. start with an existing B book implementation and supplement it by providing you own prices when you feel you can do better and leaving the B book to deal with the rest? 2. do you want to provide your own position management of ...
How to become a liquidity provider?
- ianj1 replied Aug 29, 2012
Whose the moron? - if you read what i posted i said you LOSE information - i didn't say anything about hedging/commission/spreads at all and i didn't say anything about a 1:1 relationship between physical and logical positions. Mt5 or any other ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Aug 29, 2012
What you haven't thought about is the SCOPE of each position - what you are trying to achieve. One positiion may be a small scalp - the second position may be a swing trade. Each position may have a separate sl/tp, comment etc - each position is ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Aug 24, 2012
The stop loss, take profit are implemented in the MT4 server, not the LMAX native matching engine . The main down side to this is performance as it takes a finite time for the server to respond (as well as queueing priorities within the LMAX server) ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Jul 17, 2012
Not the old cancel/re-enter, eh ? That's the only other way i could imagine doing it
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Jul 17, 2012
Yeah - i noticed that - its in the protocol but not the Java API - it looks easy to add though - did you ever try it? However, it looks like the most glaring omission in the API (or the protocol) is the ability to move/change orders when they are ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied May 3, 2012
London - Equinix data centre Server: live.mt4exchange.com Its the same server (and IP) as Trading Gurus Quoted earlier - PrimeXM are hosting the MT4 service for them, at the moment
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Apr 4, 2012
I don't know about Armada but LMAX are currently sharing one of the PrimeXM MT4 bridge servers - at least until they deploy their own. In any case they would be deploying PrimeXM MT4 bridge technology - so references to PrimeXM IP addresses are not ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Apr 3, 2012
I can currently see back to 15th February on M30 cable right now Daily back to Jan 2011 H4 back to Dec 2011 LMAX live etc
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Apr 3, 2012
The difference in Fill or Kill and Immediate or Cancel is in partial fills. Both should execute near immediately - Fill or Kill will execute the whole amount or none, immediate or cancel can execute in any amount from zero to the full amount. With ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Mar 30, 2012
Looks like we are operating in reverse - i started on MT4 (I have a qualifying account n LIVE with them) and just started to look at MultiCharts - It didnt work on one Windoze 7 64bit but does work on my 2nd Windoze 7 64 bit (charts not updating) - ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- ianj1 replied Mar 29, 2012
Be careful - In the LMAX web gui 1 is a contract(10k) - in LMAX MT4, 1 is a lot (100k)- i went down that toilet and would not recommend it to others I have been using it LIVE in (relative) anger for a few weeks I have seen maybe 3-5 complete feed ...
LMAX = revolution?!?