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- spike00spieg commented May 25, 2015
The ideea of a single currency was that if Germany and France have the same currency they would never wage war again, same for other countries. While there are nukes now, a blitzkerig invasion is still posibile, the war risk is still there, the ...
Greece needs a second election
- spike00spieg commented May 7, 2015
You spoke like someone who doesn't know nothing about the story. Here is the Russian secret services hand + a lot of corruption. Everything was done with the national bank supervision and the government.
One-eighth of Moldova's GDP has gone missing
- spike00spieg commented Apr 25, 2015
I hade indians What don't you trade in Pakistan in the first place, why give money to the evil Americans?
Rogue trader lived in the suburbs because faster internet there gave him split-second...
- spike00spieg commented Apr 20, 2015
stupid greecs, they will going well with the previous government. Their indicators were better than expected.
Athens is draining money from local governments as it desperately tries to avoid a default
- spike00spieg commented Apr 18, 2015
You think is they default the debt will be just written off? You talk about austerity, they have a living standard better than all their neighbors, the state owns so much stuff that if it sells them will be able to pay the whole debt. They could ...
ECB examines possibility of Greek IOU currency in case of default - sources
- spike00spieg commented Mar 22, 2015
On the other hand, Germany has an historical debt, to Greece and many other countries. At some point many they had their debt written off to not have another Hitler, also they made posibile the communism in eastern EU.
German anger towards Greece mounts over bailout as Tsipras meets Merkel
- spike00spieg commented Mar 22, 2015
I wander how many stupid anti-Americans realize that they are paying less for food/energy/gas due to them.
Return to $100 Oil Seen Unlikely by Saudis Amid Shale Surge
- spike00spieg commented Mar 14, 2015
what people don't understand is that greece can pay its debts but they don't want to, they want a 13-teen paycheck, high pensions. What the state owns is more than the full debt, also they could always sell some land. So much talk about an EZ exit, ...
Greek defence minister - If Greece leaves euro zone, Spain and Italy would be next
- spike00spieg commented Feb 26, 2015
The thing is that nuclear weapons changes everything, as mighty the US may be, a nuke will fuck them up.
Is This The Most Important Chart For The Future Of The World's Reserve Currency?
- spike00spieg commented Feb 20, 2015
The Greece are paying much less than Itally for their debts, what they want is things like a 13 paycheck, state employees, etc
Greek finance minister Varoufakis almost got into a physical altercation with the Eurogroup...
- spike00spieg commented Feb 20, 2015
Or just don't borrow that much money in the first place.
German-led bloc willing to let Greece leave euro: Malta Fin Min Scicluna
- spike00spieg commented Feb 20, 2015
I think means an exit from the union too.
German-Led Block Willing To Let Greece Leave Euro, ECB Prepares For Grexit
- spike00spieg commented Feb 20, 2015
Greece must fail to keep Span/Portugal/Italy in EU.
Greeks Backing Tsipras With Votes But Not Cash
- spike00spieg commented Feb 19, 2015
The thing with Trojan horses is that is works just once and the Greeks already got the most of it.
Here's why Germany rejected Greece's offer
- spike00spieg commented Feb 19, 2015
Blame the people who gives you money, not you that you're in the situation of asking money, you should look first at the Greece standard of living and their neighbors standard of living.
Greece requests euro zone loan extension, offers big concessions
- spike00spieg commented Feb 17, 2015
I thought this was a communist, for a smart guy he should know that communism as an ideology doesn't work due to the competitive human nature.
What Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis used to believe about 'game theory' and the...
- spike00spieg commented Feb 16, 2015
I don't know about that but I do know how it is to live in a corrupt feudal-like society and it is soul crushing.
Here's what happens if Greece is forced out of the euro
- spike00spieg commented Feb 16, 2015
Keep in mind with Putin is blood in blood out and a ton of corruption, look at Ukraine, Georgia
Here's what happens if Greece is forced out of the euro
- spike00spieg commented Feb 16, 2015
This reminds of the poker deposits with points and scams
Alpari RU introduces 30% Bonus Credit for ex Alpari UK clients
- spike00spieg commented Feb 10, 2015
I just found out today that the Greece median paychecks/pensions are 10 times bigger than in my country. We are in EU but not Eurozone and we had worse austerity, (25% cuts). The Germans bailed them twice, that's enough.
Germany rejects Greek claim for World War Two reparations