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- dave94 replied Jul 25, 2012
Cat, thank you again. And my another question is aboult possiblity to turn down again - it was based on hammer like you sad. Or is this change of direction? ...i still dont see any reason for EUR is giong UP... In end of London sessin is any way to ...
- dave94 replied Jul 25, 2012
Simple question — Hi, just for today... Was there any reason for spike like this? Because I really dont see any - no fundamnetal - EUR dont have reason to do this... Thank you
- dave94 replied Mar 22, 2012
greeen numbers in US unem. and euro is going up again...? I dont understand it, why...?
- dave94 replied Jan 18, 2012
Why is € going up after TIC Long-Term Purchases that is in green numbers...? I dont understand it.. :-(
- dave94 replied Jan 17, 2012
Hi can you send me an information aboult indicator (Cycle indentifier or somethink like that...? ) that you have on botton fo your picture? Or if is it for free can you post it please? :-) Thank you :-)
- dave94 replied May 10, 2011
Hi, You think that 1.4333 is still reachable or you are out...? (in next h... maybe) TY
- dave94 replied May 4, 2011
sorry if i am new but it was my questin, becourse i am new and i like to ask...
- dave94 replied May 3, 2011
hi do you think that we can reach yesterday high or we can cross it? Thank you :-)
- dave94 replied Jun 15, 2010
Hi, by what is EUR still going up? I realy dont understnad it...?