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- Askandia replied Mar 8, 2012
Besides letting their clients trade with LMAX spreads on the MT4, Armada Markets is in fact also an introducing broker of LMAX. I asked their chat today and they said that they will be launching LMAX platforms in 2 weeks time as they are still ...
LMAX = revolution?!?
- Askandia replied Mar 8, 2012
Jim Grant must watch video on the ECB, Fed and other central planners: url He is the only person out there still having his personal opinion and courage to express it.
- Askandia replied Mar 1, 2012
Where should I put these files in MT4 catalog and how to execute them? Thanks.
Pepperstone Forex
- Askandia replied Feb 28, 2012
I agree, 99% should just buy a lottery ticket and watch Oprah. Better chances there at the end of the day.
- Askandia replied Feb 28, 2012
I think 99.99% of retail forex traders are playing the same game. So if historical statistics are any good we are all going to die soon on this EURCHF trade. May God have mercy on our souls.
- Askandia replied Feb 28, 2012
So you are long EURCHF with your own, friends and family money plus a loan from a bank?
- Askandia replied Feb 28, 2012
Has anybody made any money with million dollar pips EA on EURUSD?
- Askandia replied Feb 27, 2012
Just found this on the web: video
Which is the best broker for scalping?
- Askandia replied Feb 27, 2012
I looked on their website that Armada Markets have two offices in Estonia, one in Florida, US and representatives around the world. I have been in contact with at least 5 people there as I wanted to know more about the company and its people. I even ...
Which is the best broker for scalping?
- Askandia replied Feb 26, 2012
I just started with them. They let you trade with raw LMAX spreads. So spreads are identical to LMAX spreads as they are a preferred broker of LMAX. They do not have virtual dealer plugin, no requotes, no delays, no connection problems. My brother's ...
Which is the best broker for scalping?
- Askandia replied Feb 25, 2012
If BOJ wants to mean business then they will take USDJPY to 100 within a month. Enjoy!
USD/JPY Discussion
- Askandia replied Feb 25, 2012
Pound, euro and others are going to be toast pretty soon — The WWIII is not far: url Kyle Bass recent video puts everything into perspective: url So we are all pretty much f*cked, at least those of us living in Europe. And good luck to ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- Askandia replied Feb 25, 2012
Euro is going to be toast pretty soon — The WWIII is not far: url Kyle Bass recent video puts everything into perspective: url So we are all pretty much f*cked, at least those of us living in Europe. And good luck to Germans as soon ...
- Askandia replied Feb 25, 2012
My belief is that it does not make sense at all to look at charts and technicals currently. SNB could start buying EUR. BOJ might start selling more yen. Fed could come out with QE3. So what's the point of drawing christmas trees on the charts.
- Askandia replied Feb 25, 2012
"Anybody who does not go long USDJPY at current levels should re-consider his future as a forex trader." That's what one guy from Armada told me 2 weeks ago. I wonder if it makes sense to buy it from current levels. Markets are so unpredictable ...
USD/JPY Discussion