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- tradercnx replied Dec 6, 2013
around the 1.3770 area if it can get through 1.3710 and show good momentum. Thoughts on this? But I do think very soon it's going to top out and go much lower. I think around mid Jan it will top out.
- tradercnx replied Oct 28, 2013
Yeah done alright from time to time and have also had my losses like most others. My losses are much smaller now than they used to be in the beginning. I've always wondered about the ancient Indian astrology. Gann spent some time in India studying ...
Only Gold!
- tradercnx replied Oct 28, 2013
Most of my work is based on planetary setups and the works of W.D.Gann. But I'm not going to lay out my 18 years of research here for anyone, it's cost me too much in time and money. The Gann and planetary stuff I've seen on this FF is mostly ...
Only Gold!
- tradercnx replied Oct 28, 2013
Long silver, gold and silver on the verge of a major run up.
Only Gold!
- tradercnx replied Oct 17, 2013
Daily chart is in a very bullish position, and the weekly is in a retracement of the April to Aug range. 50% of the April to Aug range is at 0.9714 and the 61.8% at 0.9919. I don't see any reason at all to short this pair unless there's a failure at ...
- tradercnx replied Dec 21, 2012
I saw this thread and read the thoughts of the person who started it and a few of the others. In particular I'm amused and amazed at the ignorance when people mention W.D.Gann. Most have no idea how Gann traded. Gann's son worked with his father for ...
Technical Analysis Fallacy
- tradercnx replied Sep 10, 2012
What I know, not learn't — 1, 99.9% of FX brokers are nothing more than modern day bucket shops, why else would they trade against you. 2, Forex is a mugs game, the broker can steal your money any time he wants. 3, Trading currencies with ...
No more BS - What have you learned?
- tradercnx replied Aug 31, 2012
I wouldn't normally respond to this sort of junk, but you think you can write what you like and get away without any backlash. Geez, this is what you wrote, "If you don't know how to use market volume profile, I would recommend you learn about it ...
- tradercnx replied Aug 31, 2012
Christ almighty, I asked a simple question and you jump in and be a wanker about it. What's up with you? I've been trading a bloody long time and don't need to be spoken to like that from the likes of you. Ok you've been on PT's forum here for a ...
- tradercnx replied Aug 31, 2012
Volume Profile — Thanks I found it quite easy, awesome trading platform TOS isn't it. I've used it since 2006 I think, and didn't know about this little gem. Do you normally use it on hourly time frame? When you see the profile taper off you ...
- tradercnx replied Aug 31, 2012
Euro — This a Euro futures chart right? from TOS platform, how do I add this volume indicator? Cheers
- tradercnx replied Aug 1, 2012
you don't make any sense.. either that or you don't understand what I wrote. What will be will be.
GFT Forex Discussion
- tradercnx replied Aug 1, 2012
I still reckon its a load of crap if you have loads of money in your account why do you need to wait for settlements, its just another stalling device so they can keep our money and use it longer. I hate this part of FX brokers, bastards
GFT Forex Discussion
- tradercnx replied Aug 1, 2012
GFT Withdrawals — Why does it take so damn long to withdraw funds from a GFT acc. I have an Australian account and my bank acc is in the same city. They say it takes 3-5 business days to get the funds. They credited the funds back to my Visa ...
GFT Forex Discussion