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- Market VolatilityStarted May 20, 2016|Trading Discussion|0 replies
Hi guys, For those intraday traders that trade on the lower time frames (5 min and below) or ...
- Good Lookin replied May 16, 2016
Everytime i closed a trade i'd just stop trading. I was watching opportunities pass and cursing for not being in them. Then eventually i'd start again. Kept me outta both wins and losses but i used to feel bad after doing that too much.
What is your biggest personal flaw in trading?
- Good Lookin replied May 13, 2016
Weekly: all 3 pairs playing in there range while the dollar is at the top of its range. Should give some good volatility. image Daily: all 3 in the middle of their ranges. UJ and GJ broke to the upside a couple of days back and are now in a new ...
Journalization of an Idea
- Journalization of an IdeaStarted May 12, 2016|Trading Journals|1 reply
I found a better way to journal.
- Good Lookin replied May 10, 2016
Just noticed your post. Use quotes! Yes well if the only live accounts that exist are the ones displayed on FF then hats off to you. If you also think that live accounts linked will never stop being linked then hats off to you. If you think that ...
The Big secret to trading success
- Good Lookin replied May 9, 2016
Only VSA thread i read completely through was VSA by Clifton. Good thread on VSA in my opinion.
Do you look for or trade exhaustion?
- Good Lookin replied May 9, 2016
You said quite a bit there, much of which i'm curious about. I'm not attacking here, just keep that in mind. Was price respecting the previous support/resistance areas...or demand/supply areas? I say "yes", but also see that there were a confluence ...
Do you look for or trade exhaustion?
- Good Lookin replied May 9, 2016
Hey DonPato, Whenever i see your name i read it fast and think DonPotatoe. What culture does Pato come from? Anyway, I'd like to point out something to you. The two trades that you've shown are the same type of trades that i was talking about ...
Do you look for or trade exhaustion?
- Good Lookin replied May 6, 2016
Posted this on another thread and got no bites so i'll post it here. image And that my friend is all you need to make money in these markets.
The Big secret to trading success
- Good Lookin replied May 4, 2016
Abokwaiks chart from earlier is the same. image Just a rejection from a high in a range.
Do you look for or trade exhaustion?
- Good Lookin replied May 4, 2016
Ranges do fit into that criteria. Those strong moves are just summarized price. Price will always push 1 way then range for a bit and then push again. Take the exhaustion marked on you UJ chart. I used the same one in this chart Monthly - looks like ...
Do you look for or trade exhaustion?
- Good Lookin replied May 3, 2016
Oscillators compare current price to the average of price of the last X bars. Divergence happens when there are two swings in the same direction and the 2nd swing's high or low is closer to the average price of its last X bars than the 1st swing's ...
Do you look for or trade exhaustion?
- Good Lookin replied Apr 26, 2016
True. It just takes some looking to define what strength means to your trading. Also, oscillators just measure where price is now in comparison to where it was. In effect, its just telling you something that you can just look at a chart to tell. ...
The Big secret to trading success
- Good Lookin replied Apr 26, 2016
What i suggest isn't a counter to sentiment or any other type of analysis. It's the price movement distilled down as basic as i could while being able to retain an acceptable amount of objectivity. This can be used in tandem with what you suggest. ...
The Big secret to trading success
- Good Lookin replied Apr 26, 2016
Trends, Ranges one in the same. Someone earlier wrote that the only difference is in the timeframe. Price ranges, then it leaves the range. Most of the time when it leaves the range it does it rather quickly and is easily identifiable. Generally ...
The Big secret to trading success
- Good Lookin replied Apr 6, 2016
I've been sitting on a single position since last week. I think i'm gonna sit on it some more lol. image
Forex Made Millionaire Thread for Blog Swing Trades
- Good Lookin replied Mar 25, 2016
As a log of trades taken and how he managed those trades after posting his weekly outlook, the thread is very useful and will retain its usefulness until deleted. Whats even better is that if you take a chart, take the all the calls that people made ...
Forex Made Millionaire Thread for Blog Swing Trades