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- romu replied Oct 16, 2015
on the pip I do not believe it! I will continue to work. Thx Schickeria! image
Oktoberfest Nightclub
- romu replied Oct 16, 2015
So far so good have we seen Z already or will we see it a target further down. image
Oktoberfest Nightclub
- romu replied Oct 15, 2015
Hallo Schick your Level are realy great. I think with (bei mir) 1.1494 wave wxyxz are complete. Now EU will go down some time. May be with 1,14943 to 1,1424 we seen first part from next wave down. image
Oktoberfest Nightclub
- romu replied Oct 13, 2015
Cable is a beast. always an extra wave. I do not like him.
Oktoberfest Nightclub
- romu replied Sep 24, 2015
Many thanks again. To make a long way but it's starting to make sense to me. image now vacation until next week
Oktoberfest Nightclub
- romu replied Sep 24, 2015
I have to look at that. Please see this. same color same size. 1+1=1 but are the Fibos bzw. blocks correct ore must the beginnig of the next block moved to X ore b. image
Oktoberfest Nightclub
- romu replied Sep 22, 2015
Yes and Thanks. But how you calculate 1274? 61.8 = 1260 ca. ?
Oktoberfest Nightclub
- romu replied Jul 15, 2015
Ratios & Harmonics: a Different Way to Trademy trade is not perfect but similar. image
- romu replied Jul 15, 2015
Thanks for the thread is kept alive. I read the thread. Now on page 120. Even to read a lot.
Ratios & Harmonics: a Different Way to Trade
- romu replied Apr 10, 2015
Moin Fx-Ray. First of all thanks for this thread. It is very informative and valuable. Why should the close of the day are of particular importance. For example, different brokers have different close of the day. At the close of the week, it makes ...
Dragon Riders GBP/JPY