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- brenta929 replied Aug 11, 2010
Rockshore, I'm curious... Can the average trader start accounts with the below mentioned companies without having to shell out tens of thousands of dollars? Thanks, Brent
Triangular Arbitrage
- brenta929 replied Aug 6, 2010
Why wouldn't you last? Two totally separate brokers! Please explain... Brent
Broker Arbitrage
- brenta929 replied Aug 6, 2010
fxsoftware... I would like to compare notes with you as we are currently testing this strategy, but you can not be PM. Thanks, Brent
Broker Arbitrage
- brenta929 replied Mar 28, 2009
Private Email — CB, I totally agree with this move... I have yet to obtain your private email but have been following this thread with much interest! I feel like I could be of assistance with this search for finding a consistently profitable ...
Optimized Trend Trading
- brenta929 replied Feb 4, 2009
Codebreaker - You're right...however DDE is very limited to one-way communication. The DLL that we created will pass tick data to Matlab (from Metatrader) to be analyzed then will pass back any necessary data to Metatrader (from Matlab) for the ...
Optimized Trend Trading
- brenta929 replied Feb 4, 2009
Matlab — I just found this discussion and am very excited about reading through it. I have done quite a bit of work on getting Matlab to pass info to Metatrader through a dll. Maybe it would be of assistance. Brent
Optimized Trend Trading
- brenta929 replied Feb 2, 2009
Matlab — Are you still working with Matlab? How is your progress? I would be very interested in your results because we have developed a dll file that will connect Matlab and Metatrader. Not much luck with creating a good network in Matlab ...
Neural Network trading using Matlab and Metatrader
- brenta929 replied Jun 19, 2008
Ubeee, I see that you have some experience with NNs and wanted to pick your brain... I am currently using MatLab to develop my NNs and have created a dll that talks with MetaTrader. I just need some assistance on the network side. What are some good ...
The "Better" neural network
- brenta929 replied Jun 18, 2008
Ubeee, I would love to pick your brain... I am currently working with MatLab to create my NNs and have already created a dll to talk with MetaTrader. The hard part now is a good network. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Brent
Neural Network anyone?
- brenta929 replied Jun 18, 2008
Charlinks, What happened? Did you hit it big or give up? I am looking for some positive feedback from someone that has had some success with NN. I am currently working with MatLab to creat a NN. Tried lots of things. I have already implemented the ...
Neural Network Trading, Serious people only!
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