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- petefx82 commented Oct 30, 2020
Funny how there is almost zero reference in all media how Sweden didn't impose lockdowns and somehow people are still alive.
Merkel Delivers Somber Warning to EU Leaders on Virus Reaction
- petefx82 commented Sep 20, 2020
Could not agree more. This virus was used as means of power grab from day one. Very early on it was clear that this virus is no more dangerous than a normal flu yet governments insist on lockdowns and stripping peoples rights away. In Australia ...
Madrid Braces For Lockdown As UK Nears COVID-19 "Tipping Point"
- petefx82 commented May 19, 2020
Perhaps Aust Gov should call China: "Hello China? Get F**ed."
AU exports of wine, seafood, oatmeal, fruits & dairy likely to be targeted by China
- petefx82 commented Jul 4, 2019
Why dont they address the issues as to why money wants to leave China in the first place?? If China was such a great economy smart money wouldn't be trying to flee the country.
China should ease currency controls to let citizens invest abroad and cut losses, expert says
- petefx82 commented Jul 2, 2019
Its a race between central banks now to the bottom.
Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision
- petefx82 commented Jul 1, 2019
Don't think we will be seeing a cut today given Lowe's comments a couple of weeks ago as he questioned the effectiveness of easing when other central banks are easing at the same time. He is well aware its a race to the bottom but doesn't want to ...
RBA Preview: A tough call, but not a hard decision
- petefx82 commented Jun 28, 2019
For someone who mentions objectivity I think that's something you lack when it comes this issue. China is a totalitarian regime with a dictator for life running the show. Just look at the social credit score system! Can overseas investors buy ...
Trump talks trade at G20, China's Xi warns against protectionism
- petefx82 commented Jun 28, 2019
haha..warns about protectionism when China is the most protectionist country in the world
Trump talks trade at G20, China's Xi warns against protectionism
- petefx82 commented Jun 21, 2019
I agree with you totally. Higher oil prices will result in less disposable income for most people, which will lead to cutting back on spending. Less spending will translate to less growth. Combine slowing growth and rising inflation and you will ...
Bring on Higher Oil Prices: They’ll Boost the US Economy. Powell Sees it Too. A New Experience...
- petefx82 commented Jun 18, 2019
The problem is the way inflation is measured. These out of touch with real world central bankers/idiots are still chasing the 'must have 2% inflation' at whatever cost when in real life inflation is much much higher than 2% already. Just go to your ...
Why Do We Need Inflation?
- petefx82 commented Jun 4, 2019
Hardly any reaction form the market, well priced in already. Seems the market was expecting clearer forward guidance for future cuts.
Statement by Philip Lowe, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision
- petefx82 commented May 31, 2019
sounds like someone has had abit of brainwashing to me! where is the state when the big pharma is inventing diseases so they can profit from you?? the whole war on drugs is not because the states cares about your well being, way more people die from ...
90% of the Drugs coming into the United States come through Mexico & our Southern Border....
- petefx82 commented May 27, 2019
More cheaper money coming your way so you can 'feel' more wealthy......in other words smoke and mirrors.
Confidence up as RBA cuts loom: ANZ
- petefx82 commented May 20, 2019
"Huawei has always insisted it is a privately held company, independent of the Chinese state..." haha joke of the day
Google 'blocks Huawei access to Android updates' after blacklisting
- petefx82 commented May 19, 2019
HAHAHAHA sounds like someone has been watching too much main stream media...[quote]
If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United...
- petefx82 commented May 10, 2019
China is an even bigger bully than US. If Chinese dominance isn't slowed down its a scary prospect for the world.
In response to US tariff rate increase, China says that it is forced to retaliate, adding that...
- petefx82 commented Aug 16, 2018
Meanwhile policitians rack up their parliamentary credits cards on hookers and dinners and get a pay rise at the end of the year
A former librarian blew $89,000 of public money on a mobile game
- petefx82 commented Aug 7, 2018
Spot on...good article by Zerohedge.
US reimposes Iran sanctions tomorrow