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- BillR replied Mar 3, 2016
I exported my entire directory to a thumb drive, and am trying to bring it up. Why can't I use old ticks to run backtesting? I don't need or want to log in. How can I tell the platform that I don't need updates. It's just locked on this screen.
"Waiting For Updates" on Metatrader
- BillR replied Sep 14, 2011
Deleting — If I need to delete LIFO, the i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i-- works, and if you want the other, just while OrdersTotal() > 0 delete at position 0
Code for Closing Orders Against FIFO
- BillR replied Sep 5, 2007
Might try bago method — are you still using these: TP 23 SL 60 TS 0 BE 15 (tweaked code to move SL to BE+10) MAs 5,8 SAR False PureSAR False Exit on Cross True RSI Period 5 RSI Buy Condition 75 RSI Sell Condition 25 (Glenn's recommendation ...
Bagovino Method
- BillR replied Aug 5, 2006
debugging — How do you debug your indicators? I use Alert() - where does Print come out? I've got a simple reversal script that I get a 4109 on - basically "you can't do that" - do you know what causes it? I'll finish your VWB EA if you want ...
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