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- 168 Results (2 Threads, 166 Replies)
- funlovinj replied Sep 6, 2011
Lol i love hayao miyazaki i thinh the movie spirited away is amazing
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- funlovinj replied Sep 6, 2011
video happy birthday freddie
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- funlovinj replied Aug 28, 2011
Thats amazing. always liked the idea of a cot indi but was never happy with some of the versions out there. Does the data get automatically put onto the sql database? If so then as you say the next step is to get the data in an mt4 format. Hanover ...
The Sql Cot report
- funlovinj replied Aug 27, 2011
this experiment has been done before get your tips elsewhere edit someones been watching the code. lol
100 guesses on the price of Gold in Dec '11
- funlovinj replied Aug 22, 2011
Feelin soo kick ass! video from a weekday warrior
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- funlovinj replied Jul 31, 2011
Hey guys, has anybody recieved an email from Tom yet? Hope I didnt get kicked off
Fail Better
- funlovinj replied Jul 30, 2011
video video video video I thinnk im posting too many lol! Heres a few more off my head, just cant find the clincher... video video EDIT - heres the clincher Found It! The very best lol! video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- funlovinj replied Jul 25, 2011
This post raises some points. 1. You're either being too ambiguous because you wish to sell a system 2. This is an exercise in "ego" stroking But the question is, why?
Price action is dumb, and you're lazy for thinking otherwise
- funlovinj replied Jul 22, 2011
Hey does anybody know how James16 is doing? Do we call s/he James16 or Jermima16? Dont wanna offend him/her
james16 Chart Threadlol
- funlovinj replied Jul 20, 2011
I hope all goes well in surgery and in recovery. Just remember, dont be afraid to ask for painkillers, they are a God send. See you soon
james16 Chart Thread
- funlovinj replied Jul 18, 2011
Give it a go and see how it pans out. Better than any answer you will get on here to be honest. Interesting sig by the way.
How do I make millions trading Forex?
- funlovinj replied Jul 16, 2011
Sorry to jumnp into anything, but wanted to share this song. video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- funlovinj replied Jul 12, 2011
Hi Tom, Hope your internet woes are resolved lol Had a question about backtesting. How do you do it and also how does one hone a system out of all the different setups that are avalable? Do you use a specific program or simply excel? Also, can I pm ...
Fail Better
- funlovinj replied Jul 6, 2011
It would great insight if you could.
Mr. Trend's PA Setup Extravaganza