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- SteamTrader replied Feb 15, 2005
I'm using it to test out the NEW 5 minute forex. Though I have the FXCM account, Oanda allows small amounts of trading losing pennies rather than dollars. Once I'm comfortable with the system (I can't always follow the trades for the reversals) I'll ...
5 min forex with Oanda
- SteamTrader replied Dec 20, 2004
If I had a limit order set up and a news release came out, often they would cancel that limit order (not filled). Typically I have orders of 30- 40 limit and they would not be filled. Others have stated during times of high activity, filles do not ...
OANDA Discussion
- SteamTrader replied Oct 12, 2004
Ok I get it now. When I place my orders it is usually around 12:00-130amEST and I subtract-30 from the current sell price; and add +30 to the current buy price (this takes care of the spread) on what ever price it happens to be at the time (it is ...
Mkcky's GBP System.
- SteamTrader replied Oct 11, 2004
How did you get +68 for Oct 8? The downward news spike took out the 30 pip stop at 8:30 on FXCM and on Oanda. Last week was NOT GOOD for this sytem, but I see its potential.
Mkcky's GBP System.
- SteamTrader replied Oct 5, 2004
This 30pip stop 11:00 EST Straddle Strategy (probably anywhere between 11pm EST and anything prior to 1:00 will be ok) closeout has its possibilities. I like it, Im going to test it out. Basically all the systems already mentioned here take ...
Interesting GBP System
- SteamTrader replied Sep 29, 2004
This method probably needs to be refined with its opposite currency pair guarding the exposed open leg with a buy order deep down the line acting as some sort of safety net --- I think there may be something to this strategy, Ill have to look at it ...
- SteamTrader replied Sep 26, 2004
Thank you, though it does puzzle me how you are margining the 28 open trades- not hedges? Or are they designed to "recover" the bad hedge? Or maybe I'm not understanding what they are for. I'm currently with FXCM and OANDA they don't offer hedging, ...
- SteamTrader replied Sep 22, 2004
Not quite understand what you are doing--- 1. -- You open a trade that you think is going north (trade A) and if it does, just go with it no stops? 2. There are no stops but another ORDER (Trade B)20-40 (whatever) pips for short. 3. Trade A goes ...
- SteamTrader replied Aug 25, 2004
A normal account on 3000 grand can cause a serious loss if a 100pip stop is struck(each pip is $10, varies on currency). 3 positions of $1000 margin can be opened (this may vary on the currency). On a mini of that amount 30 positions using $100 ...
Trading a $3000 Account
- SteamTrader replied Aug 23, 2004
Ugh, no guaranteed stop loss from FXCM anymore? That was one of Beau Diamonds main points for recommending them. I realize that news releases account for maybe 1% of the trading time but it seems to account for 60% or more of the significant ...
FXCM - No Entry Orders before the...
- SteamTrader replied Aug 18, 2004
FXCM fixed my earlier stopout from the GBP phantom 08:35 spike. As suggested, I called and told them what happened and later when I got in at midnight, they had already properly adjusted the amount on my account. Thanks
Broker Price Manipulation?
- SteamTrader replied Aug 18, 2004
FXCM fixed my earlier stopout from the GBP phantom 08:35 spike. As suggested, I called and told them what happened and later when I got in at midnight, they had already properly adjusted the amount on my account. Thanks
Broker Price Manipulation?
- SteamTrader replied Aug 17, 2004
Thank you. I called based on your advice and they will review/audit my order. I won't be able to find out anything until midnight because I will be out and away until then and not be able to check on the results.
Broker Price Manipulation?
- SteamTrader replied Aug 17, 2004
Thank you. I called based on your advice and they will review/audit my order. I won't be able to find out anything until midnight because I will be out and away until then and not be able to check on the results.
Broker Price Manipulation?
- SteamTrader replied Aug 17, 2004
I too got caught by that FXCM GBP phantom spike that does not show on the chart and want to know what is up with that.
Broker Price Manipulation?
- SteamTrader replied Aug 17, 2004
I too got caught by that FXCM GBP phantom spike that does not show on the chart and want to know what is up with that.
Broker Price Manipulation?
- SteamTrader replied Aug 11, 2004
I originally placed orders 20 minutes ahead of time but was adjusting orders on FXCM Friday 5-10 minutes before the event, but maybe that was an exception and it was the first time I traded the news. After 8:30, of course, nothing could be done, ...
FXCM and "no-slippage"
- SteamTrader replied Aug 10, 2004
I use FXCM and for the first time decided to trade the news. Now since fundng my $2500 account, as a noob, greenhorn, tenderfoot, whathaveU, I have managed, from April, lto loose $400 of it. Friday, I got it all back plus another hundred. I've heard ...
FXCM and "no-slippage"
- SteamTrader replied Jun 16, 2004
I've seen it On the AU/USD from CMS (the one with the visual charts and all the neat customizable indicators) stabby broomstick shafts leaping up or thrusting down 10-20 or so pips for no apparent reason whereas NetDania did not show any of that...
Broker's Feed Manipulation???