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- 162 Results (5 Threads, 157 Replies)
- TrevA replied Jul 21, 2009
What just caused the significant GBP/USD move? — Does anybody know what caused GBP/USD to pull back 50 points in 15 seconds just a few minutes ago?
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- TrevA replied Aug 2, 2008
Hi All, Thanks everybody for your posts and analysis on the Aussie. Druss, love your technical analysis. Question... could the market be 'pricing in' a rate cut on Tuesday? The RBA is due to announce the aussie interest rate so perhaps this is why ...
Australian Dollar May 'Free Fall'
- TrevA replied Aug 2, 2008
I too have been waiting for a correction on the Aussie and am looking for a long entry point to begin my carry trade. Any suggestions as to when? How low can this correction go? I'm seeing 91.50-91.90 as possible entry points....
Australian Dollar May 'Free Fall'
- TrevA replied Jul 10, 2008
It might when the UK session comes online. Later today we have unemployment claims coming from the USA and if bad could soften the USD and push AUD above .9620... TrevA
- TrevA replied Jul 9, 2008
Several factors: * AUD is a commodity currency so high demand for Aussie resources in China will infuse the Aussie economy with money; * More money means higher inflation and higher salaries; * Higher inflation and salaries means higher interest ...
- TrevA replied Apr 16, 2008
I too have a problem with this thread.... to me it is reckless trading and is leading beginners into a pit... a world of hurt and losses awaits you. Forex is high risk trading but this strategy takes high risk to new highs. Beginners, if you are new ...
Breeze....Update on GBP/JPY
- TrevA replied Apr 11, 2008
This is bull s##t (excuse the pun) TrevA
Short Term Trading is Quantum Physics
- TrevA replied Apr 7, 2008
This type of automation/workflow is very easy to do but would require a bit of programming. Quite simply, the trader would enter tiny positions into Metatrader and an API would send the positions to the money manager. Really simple stuff to program ...
Managing Star Traders (the top 1%)
- TrevA replied Apr 5, 2008
I think that I understand your question. Using your star trader for signal generation and another person/team for position sizing is the best strategy. Retail traders often get burned because they are responsible for finding entries/exists and also ...
Managing Star Traders (the top 1%)
- TrevA replied Apr 5, 2008
I agree with 4xCoder but would add that you will need a windows VPS... A VPS with Windows Server 2003 is more than sufficient. Ram is everything and MT4 is very hungry when running backtests so I would recommend NOT running backtests on our VPS. 1 ...
Trading VPS Requirements?
- TrevA replied Mar 30, 2008
I'd give it away for free to the retail forex community but once released it would require time to support so for that reason I'm reluctant to release it as I don't have a lot of time. If I could get a community of C++ programmers and traders ...
Which charts to use w/ MB Trading...Getting frustrated
- TrevA replied Mar 23, 2008
TDion, this is an interesting thread and I'm glad you've started it. If by saying that short term trading is completely random do you mean to say that price movements follow no specific pattern? If you are saying that price movements follow no ...
Short Term Trading is Quantum Physics
- TrevA replied Mar 22, 2008
The candle price is ODL, the price line moving on the screen is MB trading. Together, they create the appearance/illusion of MB candles in Metatrader... pretty cool huh? I place orders through MT4 and the orders go to MB.... I only need to switch ...
Which charts to use w/ MB Trading...Getting frustrated
- TrevA replied Mar 22, 2008
I use Metatrader to trade MB. The connector is a piece of software that lets me do this. So, i get the metatrader charts and the MB spread.
Which charts to use w/ MB Trading...Getting frustrated
- TrevA replied Mar 22, 2008
Barracuda I really wouldn't get too hung up on the pip accuracy of charts unless you are trading in the 1 or 5 minute timeframes. Any timeframe greater than that then historical data can be sourced from any reputable provider and it will be just ...
Which charts to use w/ MB Trading...Getting frustrated
- TrevA replied Mar 7, 2008
This thread is a sham. It's outrageous!!! The profits claimed here totally ignore the losses held on the books. Moderators - please take a look at what is happening in this thread and clean it up.
Breeze....Update on GBP/JPY
- TrevA replied Mar 7, 2008
It's too bad the community watching your trades doesn't know what the entry prices where. Please post them so we can all benefit. Bloodsucking TrevA
Breeze....Update on GBP/JPY
- TrevA replied Mar 7, 2008
Don't feel so bad because it's not really 5000 pips... Breeze makes his pips look bigger than they really are because he multiplies the number of pips by the number of lots he trades... and he uses micro lots so go figure. 5000 "real" (standard lot) ...
Breeze....Update on GBP/JPY
- TrevA replied Mar 5, 2008
With respect, I understand what you are saying but this is a public forum and people are free to read without posting. Some people are new and are looking to learn trading techniques. Now, calling people 'blood suckers' is a bit harsh don't you ...
Breeze....Update on GBP/JPY
- TrevA replied Mar 5, 2008
Thanks for the compliment and good luck with your live trading. BTW, what money management system do you use? TrevA
AUDUSD went down????