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- 57 Results (3 Threads, 54 Replies)
- LastViking replied Nov 26, 2015
Reducing risk (the way I see it): Random = gambling = risk. Reducing the time spent in a market that you can't predict is the only way to reduce your risk. 1: -Predict, don't react. Meaning you should not be in the market unless you some idea of ...
brain storming - everyone please join us :)
- LastViking replied Mar 11, 2013
I think this deserves a "bump" as I added some new stuff.... Enjoy!
LV's tools: Random chart generator etc.
- LastViking replied Feb 28, 2013
I've seen that bug before, it was discussed maybe a year ago or so in this thread. I think Lou G did some work in v3.3 that may at least partly solve the problem (it only happens when the historical M1 bars are much bigger than the Renko box size, ...
Renko Block Charts
- LastViking replied Jan 29, 2013
RLC v3.x has a fix for this, the blocks are calculated like they would be if the price started at zero (+ RenkoBoxOffset if not == 0). I Don't know how MTF_Renoxxx handles this. /Leif
Renko Block Charts
- LastViking replied Jan 2, 2013
I wrote a script for mt4 a couple of years back that used atmospheric noise to generate a random chart. Might be useful to someone. File and description is in this thread: url
Random Chart Generator
- LastViking replied Dec 7, 2012
WTF??? "Copyright Mohammed I., InstaForex 2010". Ok, I gave it away as copyleft but still... (it's just the old V2.3 as far as I can tell) I think I'm about to develop a dislike for Mohammed I. Anyway, using a indicator based "renko chart generator" ...
EA won't trade live on MT4 Renko
- LastViking replied Sep 9, 2012
I've learned that I'm a bloody useless trader. I follow my instinct and feelings rather than logic, even then facts are staring me in the face. -This is a consequences of me being human being... I've learned that I trade on a chart that has a ...
No more BS - What have you learned?
- LastViking replied Sep 1, 2011
double PipPoint[] = {1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.010, 0.0001, 0.0001}; SlPoints = Sl*PipPoint[Digits]; LotDigits = MathRound(-MathLog(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP))/MathLog(10)); PointValue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE)/(MarketInfo(Symbol(), ...
Code to work out lot size based on risk
- LastViking replied Aug 27, 2011
Maybe you could try something like this: if(Mathabs(Bid - NormalizeDouble(Bid, 4)) > 0.00001) return(0); That way your code will not be executed on "mini pipes" (execute only if Bid == x.xxxx0 ...) Don't use "==" or "!=" when comparing doubles in ...
Limit Strategy Tester to 4 digits?
- LastViking replied Aug 27, 2011
I don't think it would help, even if it was possible. The number of ticks (price changes) per bar that MT4 generates is equal to the Volume for that bar. Do you have the source code your EA? If so you can try something like this (at the beginning of ...
Limit Strategy Tester to 4 digits?
- LastViking replied Jul 28, 2011
Running around in circles.... — Lou did that in 3.3: url (I still think it is wrong though, renko spec the block dose not really exist until the full range is covered, so both open and close is "unknown". A matter of taste I guess.)
Renko Block Charts
- LV's tools: Random chart generator etc.Started Jul 14, 2011|Platform Tech|9 replies
I'm starting this thread just so that I have one place to post tools that I want to share. ...
- LastViking replied Jul 13, 2011
But this is not what I need. The big problem with MQL4 is/was that I had to spend so mush time writing system related code when I really should spend my time with math and data processing. Just handling all the possible errors from simple market ...
MT5 discussion
- LastViking replied Jul 12, 2011
My background is in electronics engineering. And something I've learned over the years is that as soon you want to build something for some critical operation (life-support, controlling nuclear reactors, NASA's satellites etc.) old and tried ALWAYS ...
MT5 discussion
- LastViking replied Jun 5, 2011
It should be placed in script folder (NOT the indicator folder) (experts folder will probably also work, but NOT the indicator folder). (It is indeed impossible to get an indicator to run by the timer, but for script's and EA's it's possible, if a ...
Consistent Time to COB Indicator
- LastViking replied Jun 5, 2011
Consistent Time to COB Indicator — Ahh...
Consistent Time to COB IndicatorTry this one, it should do pretty mush what you want I think: (Script / EA)
- LastViking replied May 31, 2011
World clock — (Not sure what COB is. Or if this is useful to you at all.) Anyway this clock dose not relay on incoming ticks for update, so somewhat smother then some others. Will display time in the caption also. It's a script. Not indicator. ...
Consistent Time to COB Indicator
- LastViking replied Feb 22, 2011
From Hurst, Einstein (and others): If a random particle covers say 20 cm in 1 time unit, it will cover 20*4^0.5 cm in 4 time units. 0.5 for random, higher if trending etc etc. One way to explain what I'm aiming at is to say what I think we could use ...
Optimized Trend Trading
- LastViking replied Feb 22, 2011
1). If metatrader volume behaves like real volume e.g: Volume precedes price moves. 2). It should also (I think) be reasonable to expect that (high - low) = k*volume^h. (Roughly) Estimate k and h (k and h are constants, h < 1.0) using historical ...
Optimized Trend Trading
- M1 data from LIVE (not demo or history center) account (GBPUSD)Started Feb 14, 2011|Platform Tech|0 replies
If someone could help with M1 data from live account I would appreciate it a lot. Data from ...