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- 16 Results (15 Replies, 1 Comments)
- Friday1888 replied Aug 7, 2015
I will try this system now. Aug. 7th 2015. I know this system long time ago. but never tried it before.
bringin sexy back - stochastics
- Friday1888 commented Mar 12, 2014
Such a big explosion can not happen due to that reason. The gas must have been leaking for a long time before it comes to explosive percentage in air, beside it needs that the air is standstill. Reality is not like Hollywood movies. Cooking gas DOES ...
Building Explosion And Collapse Reported On Park Avenue In Harlem, People Trapped
- Friday1888 replied Jul 11, 2013
I wish to tell the new traders that it is not before 1-2 years of hard working, until you only start to understand what is going on around you. This is totally natural and completely normal for an ordinary member of the human race. So what is ...
38 Steps to being a Trader
- Friday1888 replied May 17, 2013
Still one would wait for the SD to confirm the Momentum indication.
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 17, 2013
I see that the SD is lagging, normal, one should use the momentum to foresee the end of the current trend.
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 11, 2013
The Main indicator in this system is the stochastic indicator, but it is an oscillator, meaning that it has its limit in the trending markets and when the market is OB or OS, that's why you need a moving average based indicator. Here Spud used the ...
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 11, 2013
The Solidity of this method comes from the rope concept of the multiple stochastic indicator. This is a very effective tool and can be used by itself, it is a sure fire weapon. But the problem is that it gives a signal for every move, even for short ...
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 11, 2013
I also wish to add a note to the use of the SD indicator, If the lower SD(blue lines) start to cross up the Basic SD(Yellow one) then we are in a trend, if they start to cross down, it is an indication that the trend is coming to an end. In this way ...
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 11, 2013
I think that this Trend method shall be used together with the Older MTF method, i.e. one uses the same template to Check direction of the Market on the H4 TF, then he jumps to the H1 TF to confirm the same direction trend. Then one can use M15 or ...
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 11, 2013
Sorry, ..... Found the answer, If it is above 80(76.), or below 20(23.) then it is beyond limit. One should use lower time frame to catch..... thanks
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 6, 2013
Hi again Spud, In post #9, you mentioned four conditions for the stochastic oscillator. You made clear the action for conditions 1 & 2, but for conditions 3 and 4, you didn't mention any action against these conditions. i.e. if the stochastic is ...
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied May 5, 2013
Hi Spud I have been studying this system in the past week, and I have something to ask, if you allow me. Since the red lines (in the SD and Momentum indicators windows) are not mentioned in the theory nor in the procedure, is it possible to delete ...
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied Apr 29, 2013
Guys, All the indicators are built in the mt4, except the smoothed Heikin Ashi which Spud post in post #10. Good Luck guys,
The Forex Trend
- Friday1888 replied Apr 28, 2013
Hi Spud Glad to see u r back waiting for ur return since 2010 please stay with us until we fully understand the system thanks a lot
The Forex Trend
- Posts by Trader Search: 'Friday1888'