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- 89 Results (4 Threads, 85 Replies)
- jamb0 replied May 30, 2012
Brussels recommends the bailout fund to recapitalize banks. This could be the end of the Europe's financial crisis IMHO.
- jamb0 replied Apr 10, 2012
For now: Winners: 14/56 = 25% Breakeven+losers: 42/56 = 75% Results are closer to the reality.
Poll: How much money have you made/lost in forex ?
- jamb0 replied Apr 10, 2012
I totally agree. I laugh at all those systems with a lot of cheap psychology but not clear rules for entries and exits, how can somebody follow them? I laugh too at all those systems with rules that when you backtest them you realize that they don't ...
The life of a trading system on Forex Factory
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
I mean that bigger br0kers have more clients and consequently more margin to pay to the 5% of winner traders, but of course that there are small br0kers with good service, ethics has nothing to do with the size of the br0ker
Which Broker is truly reliable?
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
I agree with you. I also recommend always big br0kers, the bigger is a br0ker, the more reliable, because it has more novice traders to "steal" their money (taking the opposite side of their trades), and they have more margin to pay your profits (if ...
Which Broker is truly reliable?
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
All brokers want you to lose to win them, so, which broker is truly reliable? No one.
Which Broker is truly reliable?
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
Solved: extern int SL = 100; extern int TP = 100; extern int MA_Period = 10; int init() { //---- //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function | ...
EA not working at all
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
Maybe with this? if(Minute()==0) Alert("Its ", Hour(), " o clock ");
How to code alert every hour in MT4
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
So they are the same but with different names?
My E-Book about supply/demand trading - have fun
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
May you tell me what's the difference between Demand/Supply and Supports/Resistances?
My E-Book about supply/demand trading - have fun
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
Because if there would be more traders who win than who lose brokers will go bankrrupcy and forex market doesn't exist
Why do 99% of the people who wants to be traders fail?. That's the harsh reality my fellow traders.
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
Better for you: less stress. Higher timeframes are the key, good luck
A student's Set 'n Forget System JournalAlso, if you are gonna trade in daily charts don't close your trades at 30 or 40 pips only, let your profits run more. And never forget using SL!
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
Good webinars
Trading Currency Futures using Sam Seiden Supply & Demand levelsI'm especially interested in S/D and Breakouts.
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
First of all: thank you for your work. Second: Why you say "There's no indicator that tells you where the price will go in the future... I promise you." And after that you use indicators in your charts like MACD and RSX?
My E-Book about supply/demand trading - have fun
- jamb0 replied Apr 9, 2012
Try this: int i; for(i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) { if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS)==true) if(AccountProfit() > 100) if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,50,Green); else if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) ...
Question about the following code to close 2 active orders
- jamb0 replied Apr 8, 2012
Yes, trends in these cases are purely coincidence IMHO. Maybe yes or maybe not, "if has trend it's not random" does not involve the opposite: "if has not trend it's random", but the appropiate question is: how do you trade in a market that has no ...
Follow the trend on high timeframes - The holy grail?
- jamb0 replied Apr 8, 2012
Another chart without HA to show the last monthly breakouts, is this a true or a false new breakout? We'll see... image
Follow the trend on high timeframes - The holy grail?
- jamb0 replied Apr 8, 2012
According to this system now is a good oportunity to enter long in EURUSD, the last monthly HA bar is white: image But instead of 400 pips of SL I recommend you 200 pips, below the last 2 months lows, at 1.28950. And no TP, we will hold the trade ...
Follow the trend on high timeframes - The holy grail?