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- Jart replied Jul 1, 2016
And it's not totally clear yet about "freedom forex will provide"... If you're devoured by it quite enough, you can be glued to display much stronger than at a usual job. Lots of people trade because of gambling feeling about their money - once in, ...
Why I trade Forex? Hbu?
- Jart replied Jan 20, 2016
Well, sounds attractively... But this bonus for Iran only or also for other traders?..
Forex Bonus for Traders from Iran up to 350%
- Jart replied Nov 10, 2015
I believe that the thing you ask about is some kind of invisible line between the possibility to handle emotions and the impossibility of it, as well as the purpose of market entering: do you really know when exactly to enter the market to get ...
What are similarities between trading and gambling?
- Jart replied Oct 13, 2015
Totally agree with you. And don't use too high leverage.
Rules of Successful trader
- Jart replied Sep 15, 2015
I believe this comparison overestimates proportions
Trading without stop-lossesIt is possible to make up for lost money, but it's impossible to make up for lost life.
- Jart replied Sep 7, 2015
What exactly do you mean? The kind of arb? Does the term "hedging" fit?
Broker which allow Arbitrage trading?
- Jart replied Sep 7, 2015
I work with them. By me everything's great, withdrawals are made in right time and all transactions are clear. I didn't notice any actions that could be qualified as scam.
Who knows anything about Gainsy broker?
- Jart replied Sep 4, 2015
Hello, smikester. Thank you for your comment. It is a useful information, but I suppose it might need a little amendment. I can hardly believe that it is really so much easy. As for me, it requires hard working on oneself and learning on mistakes. ...
Is trading really that hard?
- Jart replied Sep 3, 2015
The simple truth is that trading is that hard indeed. At least, it is so on some beginning stages. At the same time, that truth is far not always understood by newbies so that they start on with huge enthusiasm to earn fast and end up with empty ...
Is trading really that hard?
- Jart replied Sep 3, 2015
Many thanks for your kind support, MT. If to be honest, I am not shure about which stage I am currently on, but you definitely can include me in list of those traders whom you significantly help to. I realize that your work might be unthankful ...
The 38 steps to trading for rookies!
- Jart replied Aug 27, 2015
Depends on being busy with my main full-time job. I can have several trades per day or one per 2 days. Usually, within these limits.
How often do u trade?
- Jart replied Aug 27, 2015
This is really very interesting. I'm glad that I came over this tread. Also thanks for being warned in advance that on a definite stage it is easy to give up. If trading becomes to difficult in my opinion, perhaps I know what to do next. This ...
The 38 steps to trading for rookies!
- Jart replied Aug 27, 2015
I totally agree that using or not using of stop-losses directly depends upon particular trading style. For instance, they are not necessary in scalping. If a one is trader who just begins his/her FX advantages, SL defenitely should be set, ...
Real Fx traders do not use stoploss
- Jart replied Aug 27, 2015
Hello to you! Thanks a lot for such interesting detailed work. I surely will try to implement it. I believe it is especially useful for new traders.
Basic of the basics
- Jart replied Aug 26, 2015
Hello to you! Well, the most genious is the most simple and obvious. In my own opinion, the rule number 1 should look lie this: Never invest more money that you can't afford to lose. From the first glance, this is pretty much obvious. But for some ...
the most important things in forex
- Jart replied Aug 26, 2015
Hi there! That's good that you experienced demo before opening live account. I guess it makes you more confident? Well start from small sums of money and analyze your results after each position closing. As it has been mentioned in one of threads, ...
How to start like a pro? - afraid to open trades
- Jart replied Aug 26, 2015
Hello to you! 1. I do not use stop-loss 2. it's because I mostly implement scalping where they're just senseless I shall underline that it's risky but you're in interaction from the first till the last second
Do you use stoploss?
- Jart replied Aug 26, 2015
If to be honest, I didn't understand your reply to total extent. For me it is important to trade with a good quality broker that provides MT4 platform for automated trading.
Trading without stop-losses
- Jart replied Aug 24, 2015
Hi to everyone! Well, it's a good question raised here. As it has been mentioned in another thread here and throughout many forums, the only real failure is when you give up. One has to be patient in order to become successful on FX. As far as I ...
90% of traders fail...
- Jart replied Aug 24, 2015
That's a very strong and wise post. It seems that we all should know all these points without reminding, whereas we actually do not always take them to consideration when start trading. Thanks a lot!
10 Forex Tips Every Brand new Trader should know