- Search Forex Factory
- marwan2010 replied Apr 16, 2013
GOLD - dont understand, why it is crashing? any views?
All Majors and Gold
- marwan2010 replied Jul 9, 2012
Charts knows the truth! LOL Have a pipful day
Day Trading for a Living
- marwan2010 replied Jul 9, 2012
GOLD - looking to go long at 158250 any views?
Day Trading for a Living
- marwan2010 replied Jul 9, 2012
CRUDE — Crude oil short @ 8480 USDCAD short @ 10189
Day Trading for a Living
- marwan2010 commented Jun 29, 2012
ha ha ha ha.............. yes the charts knows it all.
Where to watch for clues on what’s next for the euro
- marwan2010 commented Jun 29, 2012
long.............. you must be joking! LOL. Use the rallies to SHORT.......... there are massive problems in the euroland and offcouse America is in a bigger shit hole. India gives 10 Billion to bailout euroze - this sums it all up! dosent it! India ...
Euro Rises After EU Leaders Renounce Spain Loan Seniority
- marwan2010 commented May 18, 2012
agree with moaf >> it is all bullshit. in the end all will be well.
Poll shows Greece electing pro-bailout government
- marwan2010 commented May 9, 2012
First the Dracma, then dispense with EU rules. A Greek triumph, tourists flock to sunshine holidays and buy villas. Ooops Portugal wants it too, as does the Spain. The EU has gone south. The Euro rises in the North, so Germany's export fail. China ...
Crisis escalates as insurrection breaks German control of Europe
- marwan2010 commented May 9, 2012
Bring on the yuan..................... WEST is finished!, they have spent centuries stealing from the africans and asians it is payback time - KARMA
Crisis escalates as insurrection breaks German control of Europe
- marwan2010 replied Apr 10, 2012
FILTERS - how about a 61.8% fib retracement AFTER the candle close at 60wma? also is it possible to run an EA on this?
15-min 60 WMA
- marwan2010 commented Mar 9, 2012
LOL! day light robbery! > bloody Greeks must be dancing today!
ISDA to meet at 1PM GMT to determine whether a credit event has occurred
- marwan2010 commented Mar 9, 2012
ISDA - international swaps and derivatives agency CDS - credit default swap. For newbies in the room
ISDA to meet at 1PM GMT to determine whether a credit event has occurred
- marwan2010 replied Aug 2, 2011
EURUSD Vs USDCHF — baffled - why is it that yesterday both the currencies went down, normally they are negatively correlated? any reason?
- How did 'rich' economies get so in debt?Started Jul 27, 2011|Trading Discussion|68 replies
Guys I am baffled........... Totally baffled. EVERYONE is in a DEBT USA, UK, EUROLAND and they ...
- marwan2010 replied Nov 12, 2010
MT4 TOP Down Approach — I am new to MT4 and USE a 4 screen top down approach, ir say EU - 1, 5, 15, 60 min charts But I am having problems having to switch between currencries, so if i have the 4 screen of EU on the screen, how do i quickly ...
- marwan2010 replied Aug 7, 2010
THANK YOU REally appreciate this, i have had a VERY frustrating 12 months and whenever i phones support the morons always said that software was corrupted and that I had to uninstall and reinstall, had to do this every 2 months...................... ...
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