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- 62 Results (1 Threads, 61 Replies)
- perryg replied Oct 14, 2010
At Significant levels many traders take profits and reduce their position size — Damo The reason for this is none of us know for sure what price will do. When price reaches these significant levels ie: previous major swing highs or even ...
- perryg replied Jun 22, 2010
The Best Trades — The best trades go your way straight away and never look back. Move to break-even and protect your capital, this IS the only thing that we have any control over. There will always be another trade. Perry
Moving Stop to B/E (Break Even) Discussion
- perryg replied Mar 29, 2010
Warrior Trading — Warrior Trading by Clifford Bennett. You will either love it or hate it, I loved it and in my honest opinion this book rivals Van Tharp's Trade your way to financial freedom. He talks in analogies a lot and this makes you ...
Forex Books you would Recommend
- perryg replied Mar 28, 2010
Update from last week — I exited my most recent position on Friday at 1.4800 level as I figured it had a good chance of being stopped out on the next wave. I also intended exiting the 2nd position at market open this morning and just leaving ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Mar 28, 2010
gap trade — I woke this morning to see the market had gaped up 50 pips. What happens to gaps? They get filled of course,I opened a position on the open of market and exited half the position an hour later. These a great trades as risk is low ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Mar 25, 2010
And some more — Have added a 3rd position to the trade and have removed half at 1.4800. All trades a are risk free and have locked in some profits along the way. image Perry
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Mar 24, 2010
Adding some and taking some — image Have taken a second position on Cable. Have already taken of half the position and moved the stop to break even. A bit more conservative here as price could still retrace further on original trade so just ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Mar 22, 2010
Really!! — image Here is a view of my latest trade; I have taken profits at the 1.5000 level as it is a major psyche level. I removed a large portion of the trade and have left 25% of the position on the table in anticipation of a long tail. ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Mar 10, 2010
Great Stuff — Hey Razor I am stoked that you have started this thread and laid out a foundation for the rules for the thread. These are all sound and I look forward to some great material coming through without all the negativity as it does ...
Daily Inside Bars
- perryg replied Mar 10, 2010
Practice — I don't want to detract from all the previous statements as they are all important but in my opinion the most important facet of trading is practice. Practice, Practice, Practice. Ask yourself how did Tiger woods get where he is or ...
Professional trader
- perryg replied Feb 25, 2010
dead soldiers — Hi Razor Yes they were the dead soldiers, I have taken a few hits which is quite normal for me, will see where this goes. Cheers Perryg
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Feb 24, 2010
update — Update on current trades are. I removed half of my position after the formation of the pin bar at position 1 on the following chart which leaves the other half nearly risk free. I have added more to the trade (as shown on chart at ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Feb 23, 2010
Short the Aussie — I just opened this trade on this reversal pattern at a significant level. image Perry
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Feb 23, 2010
Another Dead Soldier — Well I am really in the war zone at the moment, taking a few hits not that that is anything unusual in trading from my experience. Get hammered a lot and occasionally have a run, anyway that last trade was stopped out so ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Feb 18, 2010
2 dead soldiers — My last 2 positions have been stopped out. I am still extremely bearish this pair and have been looking for another entry. My reasoning is the breakdown out of such a significant range as seen in the weekly chart below. ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Feb 11, 2010
Additional positions — I have been sitting patiently on the sidelines awaiting a retrace, I am now anticipating the continuation of the downtrend and have added to the position. I have taken 2 positions of half risk each, my reason for this is ...
Perryg's swing trading journal
- perryg replied Feb 6, 2010
They end up with dollars — Here is how I look at it. If you are have a major sell off in the Dow or the stock market like we are experiencing at the moment, then the sellers of these stocks end up with what? Dollars! So it is just like ...
So is the Dow USD correlation just a technical indicator?
- perryg replied Feb 5, 2010
Thanks Mate — Hey Razor Thanks for the V man. I must say I am impressed with the amount of time and effort you spend contributing to this great forum, keep up the good work mate. Your journal is going well and the trading seems to be doing ...
Razors Journal - Basic trading with PA at S/R