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- 05renegade commented Sep 28, 2022
These so called leader in finance are either dumb as a box of rocks or corrupt as hell.
ECB's Lagarde: We need to give a strong signal that we won't allow inflation expectations to...
- 05renegade commented Sep 28, 2022
Another useless waste of time. The G7 are kidding themselves but it what is expected from this corrupt group.
The G7 plan for a price cap on Russian oil: Views of leading economists
- 05renegade commented Feb 10, 2022
Shows China is not as secure financial as everybody thinks, they are well and truly on the ropes.
China: Hopes U.S. Removes Tariffs On Chinese Goods As Soon As Possible
- 05renegade commented Feb 7, 2022
Yeah well I am an Australian & I can't even leave the place because I am not vaxed, its a fucking big island prison just like it was 200 hundred years ago. But the troops are getting restless, sooner the better.
AU Morrison: On Feb 21, We Will Reopen Borders To All Visa holders
- 05renegade commented Aug 30, 2021
Amazes me how commie nut jobs like Ardern get into power to completely fuck a country, Australia has them as well only more of them. I hope the hell people wake up soon before it is all gone.
NZ Ardern: Northland Lowered To Level 3 - Auckland Lockdown To Remain On Level 4 For Another 2...
- 05renegade commented Aug 30, 2021
Already in a recession, depression well on the way, get ready. Can't run a successful business with dickheads at the helm, government is no different except you have to add another element, CORRUPTION!
Australia Economy Could Slide Back Into Recession, Citi, AMP Say
- 05renegade commented Aug 27, 2021
The world has gone completely mad and the EU is leading the way by killing as many of their population as possible so limiting countries from entry may be a good thing for those countries. Of course it won't be anybody from Australia, they are the ...
EU starts procedure to remove US, 5 other countries to travel into EU without additional...
- 05renegade commented Aug 20, 2021
Very amusing all these waves, 2 or 3 or 5, sounds like a day at the beach. I am sure the Central Banks are laughing their heads off, just like me.
AUDUSD At Risk of Further Downside
- 05renegade commented Aug 18, 2021
Well who would have thought. The whole metals trading game is one of the greatest scams ever created, I am surprised these criminals didn't get a medal for their activities. Appears J.P. Morgan is totally untouchable and is obviously one of the ...
Ex-JPMorgan traders have bank fraud charges against them dismissed
- 05renegade commented Aug 13, 2021
Really, does anybody believe this crap.
U.S. Clears Third Covid Shot for Immunocompromised Patients
- 05renegade commented Jul 21, 2021
Current government policy of pretty well everything especially the lock downs has destroyed retail sales & businesses, unlikely to ever recover. AUD is spiraling down & inflation is spiraling up & fast. The economy is in tatters & the governments ...
AUD/USD Revival Hopes Flimsy on Retail Sales Miss
- 05renegade commented Jun 15, 2021
Neither of these clowns will be in office even if this new dawn ever eventuates.
Boris Johnson hails 'new dawn' as UK and Australia agree free trade deal
- 05renegade commented Jun 15, 2021
What a joke, the SEC is the biggest fraud in helping the banks rig the markets and every man and his dog has blown the whistle on them and nothing has changed.
SEC Awards Approximately $3 Million to Two Whistleblowers
- 05renegade commented Apr 29, 2021
What would an economist know, really. Just look at the world economy that was already in the toilet and now the level of stimulus that has compounded the problem. The vaccine isn't going to fix the real problem. Getting some honest and sensible ...
Vaccine 'risk' to New Zealand economy
- 05renegade commented Apr 27, 2021
Yeah, kick the slaves when and where you can, they love it. NOT! The UK appear to have got the PM from hell but they did vote for him. Didn't they?
UK PM Johnson instructs ministers to seek out potential budget savings
- 05renegade commented Apr 16, 2021
Really, who anywhere around the world would believe this crap.
Russia Russia Russia! The Biden Administration Imposes Tough Sanctions on Russia
- 05renegade commented Mar 23, 2021
Agree 100%. I am Australian & I believe the Australian government is no more than the bankers friend or slave. They will do something dumb for sure.
The NZ Government has taken a gutsy approach to tackling the housing crisis - the days of...
- 05renegade commented Mar 22, 2021
Not gutsy, more likely stupid. This move will more than likely create a housing and rental shortage & if the 1st home buyers borrow at a very low interest rate & are ultimately faced with a 2% interest rate increase many will default. The government ...
The NZ Government has taken a gutsy approach to tackling the housing crisis - the days of...