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- MrWhipple replied Jun 23, 2010
I am down to. Made my pips and learned a bit. (yes, Mrs. Whipple I'm on my way to bed) happy trading.
- MrWhipple replied Jun 23, 2010
Only Pepsi. Had to give up drinkin' when I was 18. I was too good at it
- MrWhipple replied Jun 23, 2010
The market is such a harsh mistress! (but some of us like it harsh)
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
I would not go long here. I am shorting the upticks and doing fine. This thing is going to drop a lot more before it bounces. The trend is our friend. Say it with me now the trend is our friend. That last run-up from about 1.185 is JUST a ...
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
They kinda took all my stuff. We had about 2mil out in accounts receivible. That was our distribution money. They wrote lettrs to all my clients saying they were going to get audited. So the money dried up. My wife bailed. Marriage 2 failed. I got ...
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
thanx. Yea about the IRS, I was producing films and tv and financing it with legal tax shelters. The IRS doesn't think it is funny when you pick up 8mil in tax dolars and divert them to the entertainment industry, so they fined the crap out of me ...
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
I once introduced her as my third wife, and she said rather sternly "I'm not yur third wife, I'm your LAST wife."
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
Thanx a lot. My son and I got to talking about Forex and I decided to dive in with a Demo. I had to take bankrupcy because of $50k in medical bills and a bunch of other debit on top of that. Good news is I kept the wife, the cars and the house this ...
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
Hi. — I realise that most of you don't know me, but I am an old timer (in more ways that one) That is really me in the pic. I have been ill for a while and kinda dropped off of the planet. Hopefully I am back for a while.
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
I agree no true blue dyed in the wool comunist would be cought dead in such a decadant form of western transport. But then there are comunists and Comunists.
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
True, what I should have said is "between the EUR and USD" who is the overall winner. And you are right you have to look at the BRICK and every other curency out there to find out who the big winner is eventually be.
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
Oh they will continue to finance because the hook is set deep and they are reeling us in as best they can. But in the meantime we can actually make a few bucks selling stuff to them for a change. The change in the Yuan is more for domestic pressure. ...
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
Hence stronger USD vs EUR. and face it fellas it ain't too rosy across the pond. This last run up is just a temp phenom. The trend is your friend and the trend (big picture) is down.
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
It is like I said: Who gains the most (besides obviously China) by a hike in the Yuan?
- MrWhipple replied Jun 22, 2010
Look to the East — Well buckos the question that you have to ask yourselvs is this: Who wins the most out of the change in the yuan. Step up and place your bets!
- MrWhipple replied Feb 11, 2009
Shorts — I took Manchester's lead and went short. Now I'm shortn' my shorts off and it only is gona cost me a nickel
- MrWhipple replied Feb 11, 2009
Don't worry about him. He won't listen to anybody. He is kind of like a pet around here he just sits there and begs for pips. We all have tried to be patient with him but nothing works except the ignore feature.