- Search Forex Factory
- FXEZ replied Oct 19, 2023
aptx, the current moving average (SMA) of 32 price periods has a lag (n-1)/2 or about half the length so let's call it 16 bars of lag. So to center the 32 length moving average on the current bar, you need about 16 bars of future price data to ...
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied Oct 17, 2023
Yes this is how a SMA value can be updated dynamically with minimal computation time on each bar. That computed SMA value can then be used as a historical CMA value when back adjusted. As you know, getting the current CMA value isn't so easy. ...
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied Sep 12, 2023
Pretty sure it's just taking the last slope of the known MA and projecting it forward from that point in a straight line. This assumes the future slope is going to be the same on each bar. It's a simplistic assumption but you know that the price ...
A Simple Mean Reversion Strategy
- FXEZ replied Sep 9, 2023
Looking at the bottom chart that you posted above, the model is effectively assuming that the moving average will continue with the same slope into the future. This assumption is generally valid when the market is trending but makes the estimate ...
A Simple Mean Reversion Strategy
- FXEZ replied Apr 26, 2022
Maybe it's taken me a bit long for the light bulb to turn on regarding the numbers parisboy uses regularly for his MA lengths: 16,32,64,128,256 - all multiples of 2 and related in the following way: 2^4 = 16 2^5 = 32 2^6 = 64 2^7 = 128 2^8 = 256 A ...
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied Apr 2, 2022
I think you're asking the right questions - questions I've asked many times myself as I've worked on this the past couple of years. It's difficult to come up with real-time workable strategy based on these concepts as described by Hurst that fill in ...
Trading Focal Points -- "A Leap Of Faith"...
- FXEZ replied Apr 2, 2022
Stated another way, the theoretical lag of a simple moving average is (n-1)/2. So to center a 10 period SMA on the price the lag is: (10-1)/2 = 4.5 bars and the MA should be shifted back from the current bar this amount to center it on the chart. As ...
Trading Focal Points -- "A Leap Of Faith"...
- FXEZ replied Mar 22, 2022
Interesting idea but this is not the reason Hurst did it this way. The reason for using multiples of 2 for moving average lengths relates to the nature of sine waves and cycles and how they interact. I'll attempt to show rather than tell so you can ...
Trading Focal Points -- "A Leap Of Faith"...
- FXEZ replied Feb 23, 2022
This is a good line of inquiry because it made me think, and I think a lot of people jumped over this in the text (like I did on first read). I read this part in the book several times and I think the answer must be inferred from other concepts ...
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied Jan 25, 2022
If you wish to avoid all combos that have 3 wins or 3 losses you need to understand a bit of simple math and use it to calculate the triangular relationship between the base pairs so you can work out the appropriate formulas for 2 wins/losses vs 1 ...
Three Pairs Hedging
- FXEZ replied Dec 21, 2021
yoriz, You're asking good questions - ones that I asked a long time ago. There is an essential but long forgotten thread called Systematic Trading and I strongly suggest you read at least the first 20 pages or so. This thread should answer most of ...
Finding The Most Robust Parameters Using Optimization
- FXEZ replied Oct 9, 2021
Ryan, I've been following you since before you became commercial and I'm not a customer. You added value then and have continued to do so through your free videos, so thanks for that. But this isn't a good take regarding martingale at all. A ...
Giving Back! My Best Expert Advisor EA Free for Everyone
- FXEZ replied Oct 8, 2021
You're basically saying that you wish to: 1) take some trash input 2) and then perform some alchemy on it (neural network) 3) and hope to create gold in the end. Think about that for a few minutes. Then ponder on the concept known as "overfitting". ...
Old Dog with New Tricks
- FXEZ replied Jun 9, 2021
HyperD: if you're looking for the Kelly formula that includes volatility, you may be searching for continuous Kelly criterion (second link below). I've posted a few thoughts on this a long time ago, including an adaptation of the Kelly continuous ...
Kelly Criterion - Optimizing risk
- FXEZ replied Jun 1, 2021
A university masters' thesis that centers around Hurst's work? hmmm url
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied May 24, 2021
acetrader, thanks for your picture and explanation it makes sense. Also thanks to parisboy for the follow-up pictures that show the bigger picture, and the focal points with their implied 50% location in the current swing. I think this is a solid ...
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied May 22, 2021
I'd appreciate hearing your views on this in more detail and studying a chart so I can understand the idea you are describing.
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied May 21, 2021
Parisboy: you made two interesting posts a while back on Hurst and his contribution to trading as they relate to moving averages, and I don't think there was much discussion on these, so I'll highlight a couple of points. The info provided by Hurst ...
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied Apr 24, 2021
Thanks for posting this old work of Dewey. After scanning the material, I now know why Hurst is a household trader name and Dewey is not. My observation is that Dewey seems to be into descriptive statistics. Hurst's "Profit Magic" book is much more ...
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, Cycles
- FXEZ replied Apr 12, 2021
parisboy, you mean you're not???
Analysis and Trading based on Envelopes, Waves, CyclesBut seriously, you are very well read, and knowledgeable about many cycle related works and subjects and have selflessly shared that knowledge extensively here in this thread and elsewhere. The ...