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- 741 Results (14 Threads, 727 Replies)
- Isotonic replied Mar 7, 2008
week 4 update...last one! — ok stevie, i cheated here
Steviet's Live Trades!and ignored one of your rules - namely the 1000 stop loss, just to see if the market would come back! of course if it didn't i'd be stuck but right now, with no other orders this week, ...
- Isotonic replied Mar 1, 2008
Man, that must of been tough to watch!!!
Steviet's Live Trades!I hope your investor took it all in his stride.LOL OK it looks likes I have to sit tight right now. Looking at your reply to alpiner, I probably made the mistake of taking 5 shorts at once as well. The MM ...
- Isotonic replied Feb 29, 2008
Expectancy revisited — I just looked at the numbers again, seems that I miscalculated your AW based on your own account. Since you manually close trades in profit at NY close, and some trades will also slip past take profits, then your average ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 29, 2008
3rd week update — Well, it's that time again!! Drum-roll pls.... This time I've dipped into negative equity, to the tune of $2000
Steviet's Live Trades!I made one big mistake of having 5 longs near the top of the range (214)
so I had to offset those ...
- Isotonic replied Feb 24, 2008
hi hilmy, i think the classic equation doesn't actually assume any costs, you have to allow for it either by adjusting for execution costs (ie the spread) and/or deducting commissions afterwards. for example, transaction costs is the 3rd variable ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 24, 2008
Calculating your expectancy — Thanks, as always, Steve for your considered replies. It looks like there are several more people on this forum with a similar approach, particularly fxtitan. Your published results are very interesting, you have ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 23, 2008
I also queried the 1000 stop loss which Steve arrived at. As you say it could be viewed as an arbitrary number that the market ignores but Stevie arrived at that number from his own back-testing and since he has much more experience and has been ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 23, 2008
I think I did see it originally but ended up making the same point later on!
Steviet's Live Trades!It's just a standard percent risk %R model, the simplest and best IMO.
- Isotonic replied Feb 23, 2008
I had a feeling I was doing it wrong because you don't know how long you'll have to wait for all positions to close, so current balance seemed to be the right choice, rather than playing safe with the starting balance. Thanks for clearing that up! I ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 22, 2008
2nd week update — Well, as promised, here is the next statement. Now the drawdowns are kicking in, the real test begins! As you can see, I've added 1K in closed trades since last week and am carrying unrealised losses of about $1200. Past ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 21, 2008
glad to see you here as well scott!
Steviet's Live Trades!it didn't occur to me to look at any of the majors apart from cable. i notice that the overnight charges on the gbp/jpy quickly mount up and can kill a potential profit. i hope that you keep us posted ...
- Isotonic replied Feb 21, 2008
this is it steve! you've bagged your first trading paycheck on the path to fame
Steviet's Live Trades!and fortune
- Isotonic replied Feb 21, 2008
At times, you could just flip a coin - head for long and tails for short - and let your MM rules do the rest. That's what I did for a couple of trades when I don't see a clear pattern. Of course if its trending then I'll load up on one direction but ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 21, 2008
Glad to hear your advice as always!
Steviet's Live Trades!I share the same opinions as well. This approach is all about managing drawdowns - something that 99% of all traders can't handle too much of - whilst collecting pips to hopefullly cover them and eventually ...
- Isotonic replied Feb 20, 2008
it's been a good week so far but i would just put that down to beginner's luck for now. it's always nice to start with a bang, but the real test awaits like you said. i'm actually quite comfortable carrying drawdowns as long as i've got the MM ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 20, 2008
for those wondering where the original thread went, i think it was "unstickied" and can be found here: url still its nice to start afresh tho!
Show your workstation II
- Isotonic replied Feb 19, 2008
congrats on your 100th trade stevie!
Steviet's Live Trades!for the next 3 months i'm sticking to the rules you laid out as per this thread, so the 1000 stop loss stays! it is really tempting to tweak a stop here and a take profit there but i want to see if i could ...
- Isotonic replied Feb 18, 2008
how do you work out the grid? — hey stevie! i've tried to work out the daily s & r levels using a weekly chart (see below). i'm getting grids of various sizes from 1000 to 2000. i just wanted to know if your daily grids are about 1000, the ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 17, 2008
thanks stevie once again for taking the time to reply to all my questions. i'm surprised given your success that more people haven't really asked in detail - maybe i missed it in this thread (pretty large these days). i will consider all that you ...
Steviet's Live Trades!
- Isotonic replied Feb 16, 2008
thanks again for all your responses...hope you picked a nice bottle of wine for your hosts! what you said clarifies my own thoughts. on my statement the buy stops follow my own system but the market orders were just on a whim really - i didn't think ...
Steviet's Live Trades!