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- 37 Results (2 Threads, 35 Replies)
- Toleot replied May 9, 2008
Runway Trade, that's USDJPY you are showing, not Cable.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- Toleot replied May 7, 2008
CAUTION! (Vivian style) Cable has been trying to get over 534 during the last 5 hours with no success whatsoever. I'm tired watching that.
MalaysiaP.S. Please don't add me to your ignorelist. Thank you.
- Toleot replied Apr 23, 2008
simplecoders: just google keyword "I-Ching" and you'll know what it is & i think I-Ching are no different than Tarot cards. So how can someone explain how it's work?
GBP/USD Updated with I-CHING Methode
- Toleot replied Apr 22, 2008
White Tiger: I don't feel safe with NF and/or FXPro (this is the same company i think.) SBRfx: do you have any recommendation?
Indonesian newbie need a good broker
- Toleot replied Apr 21, 2008
Indonesia don't allow mini accounts. url for example. So i look it outside of Indonesia, but the problem is I don't know which one is good. Northfinance got IB on Indonesia so I can inject & withdraw fast enough (about 3-5 hours & only on ...
Indonesian newbie need a good broker
- Indonesian newbie need a good brokerStarted Apr 20, 2008|Broker Discussion|21 replies
Hello guys, any advice which broker is good for me? I'm in Indonesia & currently i'm using ...
- Toleot replied Apr 17, 2008
Well if you see it on weekly then you are taking position for weeks to come. Right? From what I think, if 4hour trendline was broken, then I'll wait for daily trendline, if that's broken too, then I'll wait for weekly. While I watch that happened, I ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- Toleot replied Apr 15, 2008
Exactly like sorsurus said. This thread is not for life call or bragging about your profit or loss. I learn much since I read this thread & I think many others will too. So whats your problem sharon_gpl ??
- Toleot replied Apr 11, 2008
mr. lai1579, what are you trying to say? I can't read your text. Just a lot of question mark on my PC.
- Toleot replied Apr 10, 2008
Hey shamX, I thought you're already asleep this kind of hour. Looks like cable continues it's way to 95
- Toleot replied Apr 9, 2008
ShamX, when do you go to sleep? I see you in morning, noon, afternoon, even in the middle of the night.
- Toleot replied Apr 9, 2008
Thanks Malaysia, your thread teach me a lot of stuffs. I'm still learning, sorry if I don't have anything to contribute.
- Toleot replied Apr 8, 2008
Ultraman: Pivot point? give me your email, i'll send it to you.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- Toleot replied Apr 7, 2008
Well, I hope Ultraman & AmeriTrini both right in their own way, so cable will go down first then go up again. Many pips for all of us.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- Toleot replied Apr 1, 2008
What the matter with cable ?
Cable Update (GBPUSD)It's killing my account since friday.
- Toleot replied Mar 31, 2008
Confused — Whew... What a day for Cable. I'm confused.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)