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- 151 Results (8 Threads, 143 Replies)
- forrestang replied Apr 8, 2023
Howdy. I too went down a similar route as Apprendista a while back. Admittedly, I will have no real answers, so I will just post some observations I have had. Everyone knows what the basic signal is, so I won’t belabor that point. But just a general ...
Higher Edge within a Single Candlestick
- forrestang replied Mar 22, 2023
I agree. I always find these threads the most interesting because they typically make me think a bit. Although, I usually struggle to get the meaning... which I think could be to not having the necessary life experiences yet(this is age independant ...
Old School Percentage Trading
- forrestang replied Feb 16, 2023
Post 2/2 Continued... Up vs Down bars. Pretty simple. image Path Walked, for each data set. Below is an example of each data set, constructed into a candle. I.e., imagine those images above showing the candle stick charts(first image I posted), ...
Trading Logic and Market Constants
- forrestang replied Feb 16, 2023
First post about it, just includes some basic data. HOW THE BARS WERE CREATED There are probably much more sophisticated ways to create random price data, but I’ll offer a general explanation of the 3 types of data I generated. Each data type will ...
Trading Logic and Market Constants
- forrestang replied Feb 11, 2023
I will post some other data when I finish compiling it. But I generated some random data along side of Daily Data taken from the G/U. I created 3 sets of different random data, all generally based on the original set of data in some way. I just did ...
Trading Logic and Market Constants
- forrestang replied Jun 26, 2022
It looks very detailed! But I wouldn't need it now as I've already figured it out, and I don't really use MT4. I skimmed through some of it, and I do see it will calculate margin used upon entry. I see another screen where you would calculate ...
Having a brain fart on figuring out margin used based on stop?
- forrestang replied Jun 26, 2022
Maybe I am wrong, but I am almost certain that my platform(or any I have ever used) does not show me that information? It only shows me the margin used, while I am IN a position. This was not the information I was looking for. The information I was ...
Having a brain fart on figuring out margin used based on stop?
- forrestang replied Jun 24, 2022
Howdy. As mentioned in the original post, I am not particularly smart, so I don't quite understand. But, does the calculation you used above take into account a number of tics that price moves AGAINST your open position? I note you have a stop size ...
Having a brain fart on figuring out margin used based on stop?
- forrestang replied Jun 24, 2022
I don't use MT4 regularly, but that looks like a cool indicator. I was surprised on asking this question, how difficult it was to get people to understand the question I was asking, and how few people seemed to know how to do the calculation. I ...
Having a brain fart on figuring out margin used based on stop?
- forrestang replied Jun 21, 2022
I completely forgot I posted this thread here. I was using babypips for examples, but the examples there didn't help me figure it out. I was unable to really translate the babypips examples into the information I needed. But I did eventually figure ...
Having a brain fart on figuring out margin used based on stop?
- forrestang replied Jun 21, 2022
At the time I wrote this post, I knew how to calculate the margin required to OPEN a position, my question was how to calculate the margin used while a position is OPEN. I.e., I wanted to know how much margin you will use up, once a position is ...
Having a brain fart on figuring out margin used based on stop?
- Having a brain fart on figuring out margin used based on stop?Started Jun 7, 2022|Trading Discussion|15 replies
Hello. I am trying to figure out, before a trade is placed, how much margin I will use up as ...
- US traders that have opened/maintained a brokerage overseas?Started Apr 30, 2022|Broker Discussion|1 reply
Hello. I am just wondering, is such a thing possible? Australia, UK, etc.
- forrestang replied Apr 30, 2022
I currently have Oanda credentials that will feed NinjaTrader. This is just a data feed, not associated with my live Oanda account. I have been using this for a while with no issues. My question, is are there any plans in the future to do what is ...
OANDA Discussion
- forrestang replied Apr 5, 2022
I agree. But its one of those things. I post various indicators around, and I know which ones will be highly downloaded and commented on. Its the ones that look cool, with flashy colors and squiggly lines. When I post handy-dandy position sizers for ...
Mind and Machine Scalping system for risk-averse retirees
- forrestang replied Apr 3, 2022
Am I misreading the output of the indicator? I ran the stats in MT4 with your posted indicator, and outputted to the data to file. However, just looking at the basic columns... I'm not understanding the first several values? I am attaching an image ...
Mind and Machine Scalping system for risk-averse retirees
- forrestang replied Apr 2, 2022
Yes, I will be developing everything for NT(NinjaTrader), as if I ever do have a tool to take trades so that I do not have to do it, I will likely do it through NT, as I can build whatever is necessary given enough time. I'm still going over the ...
Mind and Machine Scalping system for risk-averse retirees
- forrestang replied Apr 1, 2022
Yes, apologies, NT is NinjaTrader. My situation is that I use NT for real time charting purposes. I also use it for building scripts, to EXPORT data from the chart, to play with in Excel. I do not actually place trades in NT, as you cannot trade FX ...
Mind and Machine Scalping system for risk-averse retirees
- forrestang replied Mar 31, 2022
I might be a bit behind, as I do everything in NT. So most of my data exports will be produced from what I build in NT. I rarely use MT4 for many things. The indicators I don't mind posting, but they're all NT indies.
Mind and Machine Scalping system for risk-averse retirees