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- timplatz commented Dec 9, 2020
Totally agree with that. The UK has spent the most on coronavirus amongst G7 countries, for the worst outcome. Perhaps it's time to stop the wasteful spending?
U.K. Urged to Levy $350 Billion Wealth Tax to Pay for Pandemic
- timplatz commented Dec 7, 2020
I'm surprised that the GBP has been so bullish this year. I guess people assume the Brits and Europeans will find a way to fudge it all over again. But this is crunch time, and I don't think there's more appetite for fudge!
UK's Johnson is ready to pull out of talks within hours over EU demands
- timplatz commented Dec 7, 2020
According to an article in the FT, more Poles are in favour of the EU now (80%) than they were when they joined (78%). Polexit is very unlikely. However, I do think it would be a better outcome for the EU if Poland left!
Is Warsaw facing de facto Polexit?
- timplatz commented Nov 25, 2020
Damn these politicians know how to keep us entertained... the suspense is untenable lol I moved almost all of my assets out of GBP earlier in the year as I feared a no deal outcome. A few weeks ago, I felt like one was more likely. Now, I'm totally ...
EU's Von Der Leyen: Cannot Say If There Will Be Deal
- timplatz commented Nov 16, 2020
Likewise, my trailing stop was also triggered ;-)
Moderna: Longer Shelf Life For Its COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate At Refrigerated Temperatures
- timplatz commented Nov 15, 2020
This is obviously a blow to the US, but it also puts the European Union (and the relatively small size of its internal market) into perspective. As for the UK and its decision to go it alone, outside of the EU, good luck with that!
Asia to form world's biggest trade bloc, a China-backed group excluding U.S.
- timplatz commented Nov 13, 2020
They're right about decreased labour market participation... I've seen a number of people around stop looking for work. And they're also right about the limits of monetary policy - clearly, QE or interest rate cuts won't help your local bar or ...
ECB member explains why this recession is very different from any other
- timplatz commented Nov 10, 2020
It'll be interesting to see how far this trend continues.
GBPUSD could see further increases above 1.3180
- timplatz commented Nov 10, 2020
The article's disclaimer gives the author's game away... "The owner of Oilprice.com owns a substantial number of shares of this featured company and therefore has a substantial incentive to see the featured company’s stock perform well". Save time ...
The Death Of Car Ownership: How Tech Is Killing The $3 Trillion Auto Industry
- timplatz commented Nov 5, 2020
Tricky one... Biden win with a Republican senate = stimulus package (smaller than expected). It's also unclear how or whether they'll be able to push through corporate tax increases on the scale they had imagined. Let's see how this plays out.
Bank Rate maintained at 0.1% - November 2020
- timplatz commented Nov 5, 2020
I'm pretty sure they will announce negative rates in the near future. There's no smoke without fire, and the UK economy has been one of the hardest hit among G7 players.
BoE Bailey: Work On Negative Interest Rates Is On Going
- timplatz commented Nov 3, 2020
I suspect they will maintain the status quo, in part because the outcome of the Brexit negotiations is still uncertain. They'll want to keep their powder dry in case the U.K. heads for a no-deal Brexit. They may also want to assess the impact of the ...
Bank of England: Six things to expect this Thursday
- Posts by Trader Search: 'timplatz'