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- climber123 commented Jan 21, 2019
Stopping economic forces is very difficult at best. We have lots of tools, like tariffs and subsidies, that can help. They tend to need to increase over time as the economics continue to shift. When they’re no longer enough, the collapse is ...
Over 23,000 UK shops and 175,000 high street jobs predicted to go in 2019
- climber123 commented Aug 10, 2018
Markets are in balance...always. Price reflects the market participants’ view of fair value. It’s just what happens. Tariffs are paid for by consumers or the products don’t sell. Trumps tariffs are increasing costs on all those products both because ...
I have just authorized a doubling of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum with respect to Turkey as...
- climber123 commented Aug 29, 2017
Playing games with the bond market that finances deficit spending is like telling your banker that you might default on your home before he gives you the loan. The difference in this case? It's Trump, and it's not his home at stake. Instead, it's ...
Fire, fury and the national debt limit
- climber123 commented May 31, 2017
The only possible reason the IMF has to be involved in Greece is to shorten the period of disequilibrium and destruction of prosperity. (Article 1, sub 5 and 6 of its charter) After all these bailouts that have clearly failed to do this, the IMF ...
Europe has moral obligation to grant Greek debt relief: Tsakalotos
- climber123 commented Feb 4, 2017
Judges rule based on the preponderance of the evidence. That this judge overturned the executive order suggests there's a legal issue in play. That other judges have also ruled against the order supports it. All are Bush appointments so we know ...
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our...
- climber123 commented Jan 26, 2017
Borders are already history. What happened when the USA tightened border security? Immigration increased. What happened when they added tariffs? Prices to USA consumers rose. What happened when they deported illegal workers? Crops rotted in the ...
Trump's Economic Approach Starts to Take Shape
- climber123 commented Aug 15, 2016
Of course. Our policies got us to where we are. Shouldn't we have to find a way to deal with them or at least know when we need to change?
Fed's Williams urges new policies to combat low interest rates
- climber123 commented Dec 15, 2015
Solid: well said. I'm long USD v eur, chf, and nzd on very small trades. I'll add if it goes in my favor. I'll reverse/hedge if it doesn't. I'll wait to choose until the rate news and then again when Ms Yellin says her piece.
The Fed Awakens
- climber123 commented Jul 9, 2015
Cliff, agree. The conversion of private/corporate debt of TBTF entities into sovereign debt is illegal. That it was done to guarantee the payment stream for international creditors speaks to the power of those creditors. Similar in USA with govt ...
'We underestimated their power': Greek government insider lifts the lid on five months of...
- climber123 commented Jul 8, 2015
IMF is run by a French woman and it is traditionally headed by a European. USA needs export markets, monpol normalization (increase rates), and a military partner to deal with Russia and EMEA religious fanatics. All these are hurt by euro mess.
Market is Edging toward Cautiously Anticipating Greek Deal
- climber123 commented Jun 29, 2015
Subdude, not arguing. Markets will take restructuring in stride because they're understood and the transition is smooth. Bankruptcy/insolvency is not so, like recent moves suggest, markets freak. Cnegt, agree. Uncertainty is the issue. Agree that ...
Greece Over the Brink
- climber123 commented Jun 29, 2015
No. Default is when the debtor fails to pay as agreed. Restructure is when the debtor renegotiates the terms of the debt (i.e. both debtor and creditor agree), adjusts internal costs, streamlines, etc. This is what the Troika/Greece negotiations ...
Greece Over the Brink
- climber123 commented Jun 29, 2015
Only thing I do agree with is that when you want to get out of a hole, stop digging. The Troika's solution is to dig faster. So, no deal. The "aid" is really money that will immediately leave the country to pay the IMF and other creditors. How does ...
Greece Over the Brink
- climber123 commented Jun 12, 2015
For Greece, problem is easy. Unsustainable debt, stop paying because nothing to lose. Then run a primary surplus, which it had recently. This means getting people to pay their taxes. Just stay out of debt markets for 10 years. Not a preferred ...
Euro Slides Versus Dollar as Merkel Bemoans Currency’s Strength
- climber123 commented May 11, 2015
Varoufakis wasn't elected.
How IMF and ECB have the power to decide the fate of Greece
- climber123 commented May 8, 2015
Pips, no offense was intended. I'm just saying that if I KNEW that an investment I was going to make today for $100 (or whatever) was going to be worth less than $100 tomorrow, I'd have no reason to make it. That's the fundamental problem the troika ...
Greece defies euro zone on pension, labor reform
- climber123 commented May 7, 2015
Greece doesn't want to cut pensions or introduce labor reforms. Fine. Don't ask others to pay either. It doesn't collect enough revenue to pay for them. So, it wants a larger loan from the EZ to cover the difference, but it wants the debt it already ...
Greece defies euro zone on pension, labor reform
- climber123 commented Mar 19, 2015
Uh, 2% wage growth in the last 12 months with inflation <2% is positive real wage growth. That's really good when CPI is also less than 2% because people have more to spend. Why does math and logic seem difficult for Fox?
Applications for US unemployment benefits likely rose slightly last week
- climber123 commented Mar 12, 2015
Mr Varoufakis, please do stop blaming countries and people that helped your country. You may not like the terms, but your country agreed to them. You're a minister so administrate or give the job to someone that will. ECB is a bank, and a bank's ...
ECB Restrictive Policy Choking Greece: Varoufakis
- climber123 commented Mar 12, 2015
Amazing how brokers are geniuses on one side and hapless victims on the other. Then, they call CB's rigged when they provide guidance and reckless when they act independently. Seriously, it's a free market. There are big players and small players. ...
FXCM details institutional FX market dysfunction on Jan 15 around SNB action