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- 60 Results (7 Threads, 53 Replies)
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 23, 2015
Dear fellow traders, During the present weeks all pairs are trending hot. I also managed to build tons of legs on these pairs like you did. In fact, I tripled (x2,8) my account in 40 days. However, I am by no means a successful trader, an ...
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 4, 2015
Dear fellow traders, How do you synchronize trading this method while working? I know you dont have to trade all day and some of the days/weeks are not tradeable with this millipede method but there are times when you should stack positions in the ...
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied May 19, 2013
Well, if all of Pipeasys answers would be like this (dont ask questions) then this thread would have no point in existing. I think even you asked these kind of questions back then, and expected answers. But ok,its no offense.
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied May 15, 2013
Veefx can you share some of your trading statistics? profitable with the concept?
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 28, 2013
what is the difference trading on an Ipad and on an android tablet? Anyone can help me?
Metatrader on tablet?
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 27, 2013
Hi oathbreaker, how are your trades going recently?
Trading Forex only 4 hours a day... Not more than that
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 17, 2013
all my sells died today/yesterday , but now i have 3 buys with 3-4 hrs of trading (8,6 pips realized loss, 4,3 per trade /2/) Happy trading!
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 16, 2013
Sorry for posting much, I would say maybe its helping someone, and for me ofc. Happy trading! Edit: later position died, however I added a new one at the same area.
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 15, 2013
I am not sure if something is wrong with my focal interpretation! I am more successful with trading Crosses than Majors. About 80% of my realized losses comes from trading majors and trading in long direction (for any pair). Seems like I need to see ...
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 15, 2013
Hi guys, Hope everyone caught the powerful move on EU which happened recently. I attach my stacks if anyone interested.. 1 died on BE (i put my trades on BE maybe too early) and 2 more possible positions-especially in the last bold candle, but ...
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 9, 2013
Hi Olu, Can you please tell if you can use custom indicators on the Ipad version of MT4? Thnak you verymuch, Happy trading!
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 5, 2013
can someone explain to me pipeasys famous saying : "everything works, while everything doesnt work. And vice versa it still applies" This is one of the few things from him I dont understand (or at least thats what i think) . What is the message of ...
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 4, 2013
[quote=Calculus;6338832]Yon, thanks but I 'was' suffering from info overload but then I threw out my higher timeframe hindsight and just concentrated on the current price action. It's not that the higher timeframe hindsight isn't good, it's just ...
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 4, 2013
Hi Calc and others! Calculus, do you have something to calculate the trade size, or you do it in your head?
Building an equity millipede
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 3, 2013
Hey Calc, by 10 basis points you mean 0,1 % /one tenth percent/ of account equity? youve been successful so far with millipedeing ?
Building an equity millipedeIm still trying it, and my entries are better day by day, so its good
Happy trading !
- Mjolnir17 replied Jan 3, 2013
nice posts, Calculus, happy new year to you ! also, I think there is a possibility that you are "pipEASY". dont bother answering this, it's just something that has came to my mind.
Building an equity millipedeHappy trading to all !
- Mjolnir17 replied Dec 25, 2012
I try to write an excel sheet, where i can input my trades, therefore can calculate net profit, largest win, largest loss, win percentage etc. however i messed up with such statistics like average gain and loss, expectancy, largest number of ...
Building an equity millipede