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- 87 Results (85 Replies, 2 Comments)
- ieatbanana commented Jun 22, 2016
I was wondering when that GAP was going to be filled.
Opinium Brexit poll 44% remain 45% leave
- ieatbanana replied Apr 1, 2016
Hello coders, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in assisting me with coding an indicator (and/or an EA) that alerts based on price action and volume? Thank you, LT
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- ieatbanana replied Aug 13, 2013
Hello guys! It has been a while, lol. How are you guys? SimpleDev is still active I see!
vsa with MalcolmBeen busy with my new job, as it requires me to take work home to catch up. ^^ Hope you all are trading well!
- ieatbanana replied Jun 25, 2013
VSA isn't about a single bar... so I give you three! 1.) High volume up bar - SMs pushing it up? 2.) Low volume up bar - Real intention of SM is maybe not up.. 3.) Nice big up bar with extremely low - No support from SMs. Retailers are jumping on ...
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied Jun 25, 2013
Unfortunately, I don't.
vsa with MalcolmBut I do hope you find someone that can assist you.
- ieatbanana replied Jun 20, 2013
Pinbar forming on daily EJ with increasing volume. Hm
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied Jun 17, 2013
I'm not exactly sure where everybody went. Maybe your charts left everybody speechless
vsa with Malcolmand scared to post ;D Most of us [if I can say on behalf of the rest of the lurkers?] are beginners at VSA so we're probably trying to test things out, ...
- ieatbanana replied Jun 13, 2013
Hello guys! ^^ Been a while since I posted. I've been trading higher time frames, as I'm being a bit busy. 1st trade - entered & exit at green line [120ish~ pips] Current trade - entered a bit late near yellow line :O [so far about +20 pips]
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied Jun 5, 2013
Oh, and I forgot to mentioned. ^^ You were right, and I was horribly wrong in my bias ;(
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied Jun 5, 2013
Yeah. ^^ I didn't end up taking the trade. I was on the 15M when the giant upthrust happened, lol.
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied Jun 4, 2013
Waiting for price to make a move above red line. We'll see if price will cooperate or not.
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied Jun 3, 2013
Looks like I am wrong, for now
vsa with Malcolmmaybe a false breakout
- ieatbanana replied Jun 3, 2013
Not sure where it's going, but my bias is up at the moment. I'm seeing a few down bars with increasing volume, closing near the mid. Just waiting to see because I could be wrong
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied Jun 2, 2013
We're still here and I'm still using that crap you called "VSA"
vsa with Malcolm. I've been aggressively trading, which resulted in +14%
And I've been looking for a new job, lol. So yeah.. been busy vamping up my resume and stuff. Have a good trading week, ...
- ieatbanana replied May 19, 2013
Oh. Lol. No, you are correct. He was showing a chart of EURUSD and I was showing EURJPY. I was just asking him about waiting for retracement for better entry.
vsa with Malcolm
- ieatbanana replied May 19, 2013
I apologize if it appeared that I am criticizing your trade. I was not. You are justified in your own way to trade however you want and with what you see. I am just providing my own observation. And if you prefer me not to comment on future posts, I ...
vsa with Malcolm