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- MrShaun replied Jun 12, 2014
I used this method for my longer term account and it was actually more profitable than the one with multiple trades a day. I suppose the key here is patience, only enter a trade when the signs are fully there. Also, using this approach the quantity ...
Why not just open the trade and check back every few days
- MrShaun replied Jun 9, 2014
Dear WDays, This seems like an interesting thread and I would be keen to follow. Regards, Shaun
What is and what should never be*
- MrShaun replied Jun 6, 2014
I am having the same thought, been collecting my longs since morning
- MrShaun replied Jun 4, 2014
I saw a double top for EUR/USD today and entered a short. 20 pips target price.
- MrShaun replied Jun 3, 2014
I only noticed double bottom formation at the M5 graph around 3 hours ago now. Collecting my long positions, if history should repeat Euro should spike upwards pre-Draghi speech then will tumble.
- MrShaun replied Jun 2, 2014
I went in long for EUR/USD and shorted USD/JPY right after the PMI figures missed targets.
- MrShaun replied May 29, 2014
My M15 Fibo support about to break. I`ve been entering multiple shorts along the way. From this article: url He said inflation target may take longer than 2 years so this will slow down the Yen depreciation and hence why it gained against the ...
USD/JPY Discussion
- MrShaun commented May 23, 2014
Same here, I had to close my EUR/USD shorts and then went in long. Is it because the numbers are still lower than the figure 2 and 3 periods ago?
Sales of New U.S. Homes Increased 6.4% in April to 433,000 Pace
- MrShaun replied May 23, 2014
I made a short scalp after the housing data was out then added in some longs. I believe we may head into the 1.3645 region soon.
- MrShaun replied May 21, 2014
I shorted at 1.371 and closed earlier. Waiting for the FOMC to confirm the direction of this pair but I'm expecting it to be further bearish.
- MrShaun replied May 19, 2014
Same here, waiting to see the outcome of the BoJ monetary statement to see in which direction the Yen will head.
USD/JPY Discussion
- MrShaun replied May 19, 2014
BoJ`s monetary policy will be out on Wednesday, it should be good for a UJ long in my opinion. I`m predicting at best they will keep rates unchanged, while Yellen`s speech at night should add a bullish tone for the USD.
USD/JPY Discussion
- MrShaun replied May 19, 2014
I am trying to use harmonics with ProTrader 2. Is there any indicator that I can add to help with the identification? The built-in Fibonacci retracement indicator isn`t user friendly. So far I`ve been doing my computations on a piece of paper.
Harmonic Trading
- MrShaun replied May 19, 2014
Thanks for the futures details tomspin. I believe the Euro will continue to weaken further come this June. I`ve been holding on to my shorts for now.
- MrShaun replied May 15, 2014
Is it possible to still go long on this pair? Anyone else seeing a bullish three drives at the H4 graph?
- MrShaun replied May 15, 2014
During my early trading days, the lack of stoploss was the cause of my account being wiped out within a week. I have now set my stop loss to target price ratio to at least 1:2
Trading Without a StopLoss
- MrShaun replied May 14, 2014
I entered long for GBP/JPY. I believe the BoJ speech would at best retain the rates. Any meet ups for forex traders in Malaysia?
- MrShaun replied May 13, 2014
Could you share the factors that you use to gauge an entry please? Thanks