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- Calin100 commented Apr 4, 2022
What happened with this site ? Used to have nice, constructive comments, dialogues, even professional.
Saudi Aramco raises all oil prices for the US and Europe in May
- Calin100 commented Jun 11, 2020
In my opinion it,s a buying oportunity
Trump says the Fed is wrong "so often" predicts a strong 2021
- Calin100 commented May 29, 2020
This should be market discussions not F national/politic points of view from different country's
Trump’s China press conference could mark the end of his cautious approach to Beijing
- Calin100 commented May 29, 2020
The ,,cold war,, between US-China has been playing for a couple of years ...
Trump’s China press conference could mark the end of his cautious approach to Beijing
- Calin100 commented May 24, 2020
This will be ,or could be the strongest economic revolution with so much cash and new technologies like 5G , progress in many fields AI,Nanotech,Biotech... maybe a parallel too industrial revolution or much above it, offcourse it could go the other ...
Central Banks Are Buying $2.4 Billion In Assets Every Hour As Their Balance Sheets Eclipse $20...
- Calin100 commented May 15, 2020
If it,s true the virus problem is solved in my opinion,It remains just how quick consumer sentiment comes back
California biopharmaceutical company claims coronavirus antibody breakthrough
- Calin100 commented Mar 1, 2020
Agree ,...hope a vaccine will come quickly
China’s factories activity plunges to all-time low, worse than global financial crisis,...
- Calin100 commented Mar 1, 2020
If other countrys will be force to take quarantine measures like China this is just the beginning
China’s factories activity plunges to all-time low, worse than global financial crisis,...
- Calin100 commented Feb 29, 2020
thanks for opinion ,but i think it,s more then that,it.s not the first time when Gold price is acting whitout fundamental bases or with weak fundamental ...
China’s factories activity plunges to all-time low, worse than global financial crisis,...
- Calin100 commented Feb 29, 2020
Can someone tell me how can Gold be at 1586$ after 1689$ in curent fudamental conditions ? Or rather why? What happend someone needed cash and sell tons of Gold ? Or what?
China’s factories activity plunges to all-time low, worse than global financial crisis,...
- Calin100 commented Feb 29, 2020
Who enter the rebound ,wil be wiped out ...probably
China’s factories activity plunges to all-time low, worse than global financial crisis,...
- Calin100 commented Feb 20, 2020
In my opinion GBP will be back below 1,25 when UK-EU trade talks begin,even with posible fiscal stimulus from the new finiance minister
Retail sales, Great Britain: January 2020
- Calin100 commented Feb 13, 2020
So according to what you,re saying the new finance minister, (not that i know much) will have hawkish policys and there for the pound is up...?
Rishi Sunak MP has been appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Calin100 commented Feb 13, 2020
Why is this such a boost for GBP/USD?
Rishi Sunak MP has been appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Calin100 commented Jan 23, 2020
.There is value in every opinion, otherwise you would not answer
Risk appetite takes a dive as fears of the Coronavirus grow,but thanks
- Calin100 commented Jan 23, 2020
News are the same everywhere ,the only true information is the source where it,s created,happened
Risk appetite takes a dive as fears of the Coronavirus grow, that being said is the virus a trend change event ,a correction or just a bump ...?
- Calin100 commented Jan 16, 2020
Until the deadline is near
UK PM Spokesman: transition period for Brexit will not be extended further