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- maxou888 replied Apr 2, 2011
Steve I made this code and very please with it's calculation int multi=1, m2=1; DailyATR = iATR(Pair, PERIOD_D1, 14, 0) ; // in 4 digits if(digits == 5 ) {multi = 100000; m2=10;} if(digits == 4 ) {multi = 10000; m2=1;} if(digits == 3 ) {multi = ...
Brijon Concept of Threes auto trading robot by Steve Hopwood
- maxou888 replied Jan 15, 2011
Hi Ninpojutsu I would like to make some more tests following your last report. I didn't get same results. could you please post the Ea version you use and the settings thanks a lot. Max
let's go where the price goes
- maxou888 replied Nov 30, 2010
nanningbob Excuse me for my question, I have coded most of your previous ideas (v5) in my bot last version is MAXX 213(from original coding from Steve) ( url ), and now i would like to code your lastest version , but i used many hours to understand ...
Nanningbob 4h trading system ver. 5.0
- maxou888 replied Nov 30, 2010
You are right. Keep the 2 demos and we will see what is best.
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 25, 2010
Hi, I have been busy Where I can start to understant Bob's new method ?
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 16, 2010
TodayNet is not used anymore Tonight i will post the MasterEa 24 that is a very good profit traker. concerning load of the EA, you need a very powerfull Pc if you use more more than 10 pairs actually i have 5 demos on the same computer, running 21 ...
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 15, 2010
Here are the last version for MasterEA :
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 15, 2010
Nice to see you follow the bot. I am not sure that selecting pairs is relevant at this stage, since it should be only luck (or no luck) that seems to show good/bad pairs. When we will have 100 trades for each pair, then we will be able to build some ...
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 12, 2010
I think the entries are good enough. My point of view is that Markets are globally ramdom and it's a waste of time to try to improve entries. It's well hnowed that "best" forecasters are not better than a dart player. So we should concentrate now on ...
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 6, 2010
Steve, I have write some simple code in MAXX Ea that use FF cal indic and detect news realease (level 2 or 3, also can detect if it's "speak" or not) and therefore I avoid trading 5 mins before news realease and 10 or 20 minutes later. that's all ...
Sixths trading - an EA by macman, Bob and Steve mk 2
- maxou888 replied Nov 5, 2010
here are 3 demos results (v133, v150 and v202) Master Ea done his job rather well, except on the #3 it didn't close all today because equity is not in profit
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 5, 2010
No, but look at the Master Ea code in this part: if (UseProfitcontrol) you can change the values TodayNet>=xxxxx
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 5, 2010
Yes, you need, it looks at the daily profit and close all open positions if equity have increase enough, depends the DD suffered. Moreover it set global variables that are used in the EAs, without Master EA, Maxx Ea is orphan Here guys is the 213, ...
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 5, 2010
Here it is My advice : rename the version I just realeased to "last version", like that every time I realease a new version, you only have to load it in editor and save as "last version" and compile it, it's then update in every charts. - apply the ...
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 5, 2010
About the 4 last posts : - The baby have reduced a lot since the version 150, I rewrite the program core, much more simple and clean - I have 3 demos : v133, v150 and v200 -v133 is the classic mode, 50 trades/day ,but there is some bugs remaining in ...
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 4, 2010
Here is history version Not all mod are mandatory, but there is some bugs that are very bad, so may be you have nice results for moment but I will be afraid to run a version that is not fixed 071c : use THV4 Trix called 071d : add use THV4 Trix ...
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 4, 2010
Thanks for your feedback, althought you are running a version that have some bugs
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot
- maxou888 replied Nov 3, 2010
BaestieBoy Please do some BT with this one you have 2 params for play : TightenTrendDetection from 0 to 4, better use from 2 to 4 TightenTrendConditionForOpen 0 or 1 Also can choose Breakeven 0 or 1, TrailingStop 0 or 1
Nanningbob V5: Steve Hopwood's auto-trading robot