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- centralbee replied Nov 27, 2012
divisa ctrader is one of the best, no freezes at all
cTrader Platform Brokers?
- centralbee replied Nov 27, 2012
your statistics are probably made on a thin market. if it had been volatile your statistics would have had wider spreads.
- centralbee replied Nov 18, 2012
Classic is better for me. I do not like slippages at all though spreads are higher on Classic. Just so you know, EXNESS have local agents across the globe that sell excards - one of the options of depositing funds in local currency. So I bear no ...
- centralbee replied Nov 8, 2012
Only in March or April...now everything is ok with their servers.
- centralbee replied Nov 8, 2012
what are the overall expenses to trade ECN with Pepperstone in pips? (spread + commission per round turn)
Pepperstone Forex
- centralbee replied Oct 23, 2012
here is another for you
ExNessvideo I agree that this is all interesting...what about education video? it should definitely be made.
- centralbee replied Oct 18, 2012
Nice video about EXNESS. It captured my attention all the way through video
- centralbee replied Jun 15, 2012
Yesterday FXCM said that there are lot of long positions on eur/chf. But if everyone is long, why it does not rise up?
- centralbee replied Jun 15, 2012
You mean that one order goes to A bank and when I open opposite order it goes to B bank so that 2 orders should not be executed in one bank (A or B) because it would trigger opposite orders closing, correct? 凉爽!
- centralbee replied Jun 14, 2012
Thanks, slovforex I ve studied thoroughly 'execution' section on exness website and I found the following feature of exness ecn system to be very interested. Access to the interbank market from EXNESS means: narrow spreads on the most popular ...
- centralbee replied Jun 11, 2012
Do not listen to others. Test for yourself. EXNESS can be suitable for your strategy or cannot. Some of these folks like them, others not. Only you here is to decide trade with EXNESS or not. My rate is 7-8.
- centralbee replied Jun 5, 2012
not bad at all did u compare spreads on classic and ecn (demo)?
- centralbee replied May 11, 2012
Does anyone trade with EXNESS using VPS? How many hours does it take to get it?
- centralbee replied Apr 27, 2012
It is clearly said that you need to contact EXNESS Support Team Just cal 'em, learn more and get back to ff to reveal their secrets and make us happy
- centralbee replied Apr 23, 2012
does anybody really know if SNB lifts the peg to 1.30 this quarter?
- centralbee replied Apr 23, 2012
They have premium accounts without commission on all financial transactions. Just ask their Live chat about it
- centralbee replied Mar 29, 2012
Basically you can see small amounts (1-2 mios) at the highest bid or lowest ask on the order book that have best prices. If they are snatched up then so-called marketmakers volumes (30-40 mios) with much more worse prices will go to the top part of ...
- centralbee replied Mar 20, 2012
was busy with trading
ExNessEXNESS added my lost money 2 days ago. awesome