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- 24 Results (18 Replies, 6 Comments)
- Atreides commented Apr 20, 2018
It's only sustainable because we have the world's reserve currency... until we don't :-) And that will happen eventually. Then the birds will come home to roost!
Nancy Pelosi is going absolutely crazy about the big Tax Cuts given to the American People by...
- Atreides commented Apr 20, 2018
Namli, I agree with some of what you say, but disagree with others. I agree completely that deficits are a problem, and so is debt. But I believe blaming politicians or the system for all this largesse is impractical. You have to remember that we ...
Nancy Pelosi is going absolutely crazy about the big Tax Cuts given to the American People by...
- Atreides commented Apr 20, 2018
Thank you for the kind words Bakker.
Nancy Pelosi is going absolutely crazy about the big Tax Cuts given to the American People by...
- Atreides commented Apr 20, 2018
Haha, I hear way too many people that don't understand this stuff always blaming republicans as the party of debt. And no offense Ken, but what does a 401k have to do with this conversation? I hear the average person on the street, who doesn't know ...
Nancy Pelosi is going absolutely crazy about the big Tax Cuts given to the American People by...
- Atreides replied Feb 26, 2018
I added "redacted" behind your name then, haha It was only there because early on in the thread you seemed to be that way. I have noticed a small change in your postings though of late. Good luck to you
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides replied Feb 26, 2018
Newbegger, You got to correct him before I cared enough too ;-) Was going to point out that you had mentioned your "indicator" system, as he put it, was just a template you used early on in your career to stay in the game. I warned you early on in ...
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides replied Feb 15, 2018
Nealpek, Remember your own words from earlier about not responding? ;-) Every response gives them that much more reason to come back. I won't even be referring to their names anymore. Got bigger fish to fry. Good luck!
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides replied Feb 15, 2018
Why are any of you still entertaining any of the following fools? Haha Jmn5611, Artcool, Alphadude, Profitfarmer Can we all agree that any professional trader making profit could care less about what other people make and whether or not they are ...
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides replied Feb 11, 2018
Newbegger, I feel as though we have gotten away from your initial thoughts with this thread. I would suggest you either set some strict rules in regards to what you want to see, or start a new thread with a different title. Having "Can YOU make ...
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides replied Feb 9, 2018
Mingary, I have seen you post quite a bit of late, and it is almost all negative in regards to trading. I used to read your other postings back in the day, and I enjoyed them, but everything that comes from you now seems to have a bad taste to it. ...
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides commented Feb 6, 2018
Smikester, One thing to consider in your "exhaustion" spike theory for January (earlier post), is that it was not on very high volume. More like average volume. To have an exhaustion spike up, you need it to be on very high volume because the ...
Why global markets are in free-fall
- Atreides replied Jan 31, 2018
Yes, I do keep a journal. I use the daily/weekly charts for direction and determining where buyers or sellers take control. I then usually drop down to the 1H charts for placement of trade. I usually don't trade around NFP reports. I like to wait a ...
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides replied Jan 30, 2018
I normally never post to this forum (see my history, haha), but I like your style and the basic message you have to deliver. Consider me subscribed! I am profitable at this point, but could be better, so I am always open to learning. Especially from ...
Can YOU make money as a trader?
- Atreides replied Nov 9, 2017
Davit, You don't know me and I don't know you. I very rarely post. However, I have seen you post on here for a long time as I have been a continual lurker, just trying to learn from people. I do not like seeing people get bashed on here when all ...
Trading Made Simple
- Atreides replied Jul 25, 2017
Not sure if they are profitable, but I have learned a lot from these posters by reading through most of their posts, many times. I suspect they are profitable, however: topherhk Gaston Old Not Dead PeterCrowns PeterFM Dopey BillyRayVal SweetAction ...
List of top traders at Forex Factory that you know
- Atreides replied Jul 14, 2017
I for one hope that Simon comes back at some point. I want to hear more. I've had a long time to read this thread through many times already. I finally see the logic in everything he says. I find it amazing, though, that there are only 31 pages in ...
The Fundamentals of Trading
- Atreides replied Apr 14, 2016
Sweetaction, I just wanted to say thank you for this thread. I've spent the past 10 years trying to learn this business. Worked my way from Penny stocks to normal stocks to futures to normal stocks again combined with futures. I have had my share of ...
The Fundamentals of Trading
- Atreides replied Jul 8, 2013
As bad as the trade calls are, this person could turn a massive profit if they just started doing the exact opposite of what they think is right. Since 95% of the time our egos get in the way, just give up the ego to make money. Here's what their ...
Ouch! Trader carrying heavy losses
- Atreides replied Jan 23, 2013
I agree whole-heartedly with Pip. Thank you Seneca. The things you have taught on this thread have helped me refine my plan immensely. I'm sorry that I never had more time to post on the thread, but work keeps me extremely busy during the day, and ...
Ramblings of a Forex Junkie
- Atreides replied Jan 17, 2013
Seneca, I completely agree with your assessment of those other posters, especially 3-4 of them that I have also read every post of. However, most of them merely talked about their experience/lessons in the industry, never really giving concrete ...
Ramblings of a Forex Junkie