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- Eurusdd replied Nov 19, 2014
The information you guys are presenting on this thread has given me a clue as to who is proosibly behind this attack. Yes is it true that I have avoided sexual intercourse with my girlfriend. But I am not gay or not in love with her. What is ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 19, 2014
during the last few hours,14 intelligence officiers, and other persons watched someone else post on my thread, acting as eurusdd. Now, whoever is doing this, I say "you have won,you have great computer skils, you can do whatever you want" but ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 19, 2014
SOMEone has taken over my account completely. changed my email address and removed the unsubscribe button. please be careful I am not behind messages you read apart from this one to prove to you the account is taken over
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 19, 2014
Who am i ? EURUSDD !! or ? How is my trading ? url or url btw i forget to mention how i dealt with my girl friend url So who hacked me or am i still lie ? May be Someone spent her (or his) 2 yrs life for my edited screenshot Or am i mad ? Oh i ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 19, 2014
This is my last activity: I used to think those who always post negative things without proof are just against me. Now I see, I should just add all of them to the party and leave FF. I guess they will keep the thread alive: I know how those people ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 18, 2014
The way things are going, I cannot manage this account anymore. Someone has taken over the account. I will support FF if they delete the account and thread. I cannot contribute here anymore because it seems the person is interested in destroying my ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 18, 2014
look at these pictures. Because of the kinds of posting that were on the thread I limited posting by restricting to high-impact members. but look at this picture: image and then look at this one too: the page is still loading and i was just about ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 18, 2014
1: My systems has been hacked and this is an identity theft case. But how was it possible? They are still working on it. However there is something they found out which can help us secure ourselves later. "When you sign into FF on two different ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 18, 2014
I involved securities experts in this issue and they all seem to be saying the same things.
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 18, 2014
This is what I think about this whole thing: Piratepip, Fx-jay, vlady1974 etc seem to be the same person or operating as a team to eliminate any good person who will not join them. Vlady1974 addressed me as CHIEF is a private mail and used the term ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 18, 2014
I want to make this clear. FF can be hacked!!! I am in Ghana and logged into my account 8 hrs ago. posted and went to bed. I just woke up -early mornig but found out that my home page says I was online 2 hrs ago!!!! I want to make it clear, your ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 17, 2014
This is where my contribution to FF ends. I did not send those messages and I am not comfortable with the commercial status. I do not believe in auto-trading, so there is nothing i am going to sell to anyone. I do not code indicators or manage a ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 15, 2014
I am done with this issue. It is leading no where! If you believe this is a scam thread, don't come here!
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 15, 2014
cenetti: I can create an account with your name, create a conversation and then claim you did it. Easy. I agreed about the posts form FF but I do not have a skype account with name eur usdd, as a separate word. I do not hide my identity and i have ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 15, 2014
^^ Lol. Is it about my status. That was when I first signed unto the website. You are wrong because I stated clearly that I am working on a phd in Gh. I do not change my info a lot and so i left it like that! You know what: I am not discussing this ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 15, 2014
Thank you. But do not worry about me much. I am used to problem solving and the "pull him down" stuff will not get to me at all. I am just surprised that Fx-Jay, someone I respected so much and someone who I was even looking up to at a point could ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 15, 2014
I do not know what fx-jay is trying to achieve but is it clear he has bad intentions for what I do. Why invite someone you consider a scam, into your advanced trading group? I considered that group only because of valdy1974 who I respect a lot. ...
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 15, 2014
I will continue my work here in the future whether these guys continue their assault or not! Even Jesus, was called a fraud, Lol. I am not going to be disturbed!
The similarity system
- Eurusdd replied Nov 15, 2014
I made clear my real identity here. I hid nothing. How many of you use real pictures here? Note here that the same people who are trying so hard to spoil my name tRIEd VERY HARD TO GET ME INTO THEIR CLOSED FOREX THINK TANK GROUP! I JUST want you all ...
The similarity system