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- Trader KGB replied Aug 15, 2016
Overruling MiFID on OTC spot FX regulation is quite an interesting precedent.. As far as binary options go, they should have followed the route of the Channel Islands and other jurisdictions by classifying them as a gambling product (rightfully so), ...
Breaking News: Belgium bans all leveraged Forex, CFDs
- Trader KGB replied Mar 28, 2016
I would like to respectfully rescind this terrible prognostication of mine... To update on why this pair is still nowhere to be found nearly 7 years later, the primary reason is b/c it's not a CLS-linked currency. Nor is it becoming CLS-linked even ...
USD/BRL Broker?
- Trader KGB replied Mar 3, 2016
Well it appears they purposefully blew up a large managed account, then arranged a shoddy structured bankruptcy to avoid the legal claim, sheesh... Also looks like their UK entity is the next up on the chopping block... url
ATC Brokers
- Trader KGB replied Feb 29, 2016
I wonder how that came to be, their US entity was only an introducing broker.. Also, why would anyone want to trade with the UK entity anymore knowing the same owners/directors sent their US company into bankruptcy.. Way to destroy a 10 year+ brand ...
ATC Brokers
- Trader KGB replied Dec 2, 2015
Found an address: Knight Capital Markets Ltd. Lautatarhankatu 6. 00580 Helsinki. Finland It's a virtual office address, which is likely why they don't want to show it on their website... Now if they were actually based in Finland, then they'd be ...
Who is Knight Capital Markets?
- Trader KGB replied Dec 2, 2015
If you like, I'd be happy to verify that it changed ownership, simply by running a whois history check on domaintools.com.. if so, I wonder if I'll find your name there..
Who is Knight Capital Markets?For now, here's a link to a potential previous owner of the ...
- Trader KGB replied Dec 2, 2015
Again, you make no attempt to defend any of your blatant lies or extremely suspect claims. Nor do you provide any evidence whatsoever of this fund/broker/scam's "multi-year" existence. Clearly you do. You wouldn't just pop up on this thread ...
Who is Knight Capital Markets?
- Trader KGB replied Dec 2, 2015
ElComandante, I tore you and your pathetic stance to shreds in my prior post, including pointing out your multiple lies, specifically your lie about kms.asia being from 2006... But rather than attempt to address or defend any of the lies you've been ...
Who is Knight Capital Markets?
- Trader KGB replied Dec 1, 2015
So the only right for anyone to claim or suggest this is a scam is if they've been directly involved with it? That's a blatant failure of logic, and a foolhardy attempt to discredit those who are simply trying to warn & educate others before they ...
Who is Knight Capital Markets?
- Trader KGB replied Dec 1, 2015
I didn't want to point the finger too abruptly earlier, but after further review (mostly of the FPA threads), I concur with the other posters that both Fortress Fund and Knight Capital Markets are absolutely running a scam operation. I also ...
Who is Knight Capital Markets?
- Trader KGB replied Dec 1, 2015
Oh goodness, the "fund manager" I presume you're referring to is Fortress Fund. These guys recently sent me an unsolicited PDF prospectus. It's a laughable attempt at professionalism. No names, no address, no license. (RED FLAGS #1, #2, & #3) In ...
Who is Knight Capital Markets?
- Trader KGB replied May 21, 2015
It really just boils down to the fact that the MM algos that the LPs are employing are set to limit their risk exposure at any given price level (esp on NLL due to latency risk). Thus, if you were to 'sweep the book' on a NLL platform by executing ...
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 20, 2015
Thanks for posting. When you said the "pricing was off" I wasn't sure if you were directly referencing relative book depth. But in terms of comparing relative book depth of LL vs non-LL, it's a bit of apples to oranges. The LPs aren't going to post ...
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 16, 2015
Care to post a comparison screenshot of these alleged "very far away" prices?
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 15, 2015
This is what every bank/PB/PoP wants you to believe. Last look is intended to protect their bottom line, not yours. Last look is on its last legs, it will be regulated away soon enough, while the CME (and perhaps one day LMAX) continues to clean up ...
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 14, 2015
If that's truly the case, they certainly don't advertise it...
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 14, 2015
One must jump through hoops "over a couple days" simply to verify FXCM's swap rates? If they are indeed more advantageous at FXCM vs IB, then I stand corrected. IB is not the most competitive anyway if trading under 500k-1M position sizes. I'm of ...
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 14, 2015
LIBOR +/- 0-150 BPs = 3x FXCM's swap rates? I highly doubt that...
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 14, 2015
One aspect you're overlooking so far is last look vs non-last look liquidity. Other than the LMAX & CME exchanges and the non-last look feeds at EBS/Reuters/Hotspot, every other bank/PB/PoP/ECN's "depth" is really just a complete farce. They could ...
Where Can I Find Deep Liquidity in FX?
- Trader KGB replied May 6, 2015
At least clients can use this downtime to review Dukascopy's old site, and become acquainted with the "Duka Particle", "Duka Uncertainty Relation", and "the Rule of Transformation in Duka Space”.. url
Dukascopy is DOWN